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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final April 5, 2022 <br />Vice Chairman Earman noted that Indian River County was responsible for <br />24% of the anticipated $16 to $20 million total cost and estimated the project <br />would take three (3) years to reach execution. He also advised there was an <br />initial funding request of $200,000 for the County's portion of a Planning and <br />Development study. The Vice Chairman discussed the need to start budgeting, <br />possible cost-saving measures, and requested staff to draft a Resolution of <br />Participation to send to State Senator Gayle Harrell who was helping to <br />coordinate the project. <br />Dr. Patricia Aronica, Medical Examiner for the 19th District, appeared before <br />the Board to support the need for a new office to replace the too small, <br />ill-equipped, and outdated current location. Commissioner Flescher <br />commended Dr. Aronica's dedication and foresight. <br />Commissioner Adams received confirmation that the County's estimated <br />contribution would be $5 million, the estimated timeline was three years to <br />reach the start of construction, and that the $200,000 study was an additional <br />cost. County Administrator Jason Brown discussed possible funding assistance <br />opportunities, and shared concerns for the costs. Chairman O'Bryan suggested <br />setting aside funds immediately in anticipation of the County's obligation. <br />Discussion continued with Commissioner Moss receiving confirmation from <br />County Attorney Dylan Reingold that Florida Statutes assigned the four <br />counties the responsibility for construction costs, and that grant opportunities <br />would be pursued. County Administrator Brown confirmed that public <br />building impact fees could not be used because the building would be located <br />outside of the County; he stated he would investigate using infrastructure sales <br />tax funds. Chairman O'Bryan suggested pursuing an amendment to the law to <br />utilize impact fee funds to cover the impact of growth. <br />Vice Chairman Earman discussed agreements among the counties, promised to <br />confirm details of the costs, and reiterated the need for a Resolution of <br />Participation. Commissioner Moss received confirmation from Attorney <br />Reingold that he would reach out to the other counties and state representatives <br />to coordinate the language in the Resolution. Commissioner Flescher <br />commended Senator Harrell's commitment to this project. <br />A motion was made by Vice Chairman Earman, seconded by Commissioner <br />Flescher, to direct staff to 1) create a Resolution of Participation for the new <br />Medical Examiner's Office and bring it back before the Board for approval; and 2) <br />research amending state statutes to allow the use of Building Impact Fees to pay <br />for the required new Medical Examiner's Office. The motion carried by the <br />following vote: <br />Indian River County Florida Page 15 <br />