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ORDINANCE NO. 2022- 007 <br />the sub -committee chairs with the approval of the children's services advisory <br />committee. Annually standing sub -committees will evaluate their effectiveness and <br />make recommendations to the children's services advisory committee. <br />ab) Community needs assessment and planning sub -committee: Shall be <br />comprised of no fewer than 5 and no more than 9 members. Members may serve <br />no more than three (3) two (2) year terms. A one (1) year absence shall be <br />required before members may re -apply to serve on the sub -committee. The sub- <br />committee shall Identify and assess the needs of children of Indian River County <br />through a needs assessment and asset mapping; submit to the board of county <br />commissioners through the children's services advisory committee a written <br />description of those needs. Provide and update short term and long term plan to <br />the children's services advisory committee including, but not limited to, programs, <br />services and activities that meet the objectives of the children's services advisory <br />committee.: <br />bE) Grant review and program sub -committee: Shall be comprised of no fewer than <br />9 and no more than 15 members. Members may serve no more than three (3) two <br />(2) year terms. A one (1) year absence shall be required before members may re- <br />apply to serve on the sub -committee. In coordination with the executive office <br />director, review and revise requests for proposal (RFP) based on need <br />determination and set priorities. Submit to children's services advisory committee <br />for approval. Review and recommend letters of intent submitted by agencies <br />requesting funding. Through exeG61ti e OffiGe direGtGr, notify seleGted—gTarR <br />Review final RFPs and make recommendations <br />for funding to children's services advisory committee, who will then recommend to <br />the board of county commissioners for funding. Receive, review and present to <br />children's services advisory committee members' quarterly (at a minimum) reports <br />from funded agencies. Conduct program evaluations throughout the funding <br />period, schedule and attend site visits to funded program. <br />cd) Other sub -committees deemed necessary to fulfill the duties of the children's <br />services advisory committee may be established by the children's services <br />advisory committee chair, with the expressed consent of the board of county <br />commissioners. A minimum of three people will serve on such sub -committees. <br />7 <br />