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on a Motion made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by <br />Commissioner Loy, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted:' <br />RESOLUTION NO. 69- 4 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, resolves: f <br />1. The City of Vero Beach, a municipal corporation under the <br />laws of the State of Florida, located in this County, has informed this Board j <br />I <br />that it desires the real property owned by this County hereinafter described <br />for use by the City in certain municipal functions relating to its utility systems) <br />and has applied to this Board for a conveyance thereof. This Board is satis- <br />fied that such property is required for such use and is not needed for County <br />purposes and does herewith authorize the conveyance thereof for the nominal <br />sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2, 000.00), in accordance with the provisions <br />of Section 125.38, Florida Statutes. This Board does further determine that ' <br />said lands were not acquired by this County for delinquent taxes and are not <br />i <br />described in the book designated "County Lands Acquired for Delinquent <br />Taxes" and was not conveyed to this County for a specific purpose containing <br />a reversionary clause. <br />2. That the form of deed presented herewith from Indian River <br />County, Florida, to said City conveying the following described property, <br />situated in Indian River County, Florida, to -wit: <br />Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southwest <br />quarter of Section 13, Township 33 South, Range 39 <br />East, Indian River County, Florida; run North along <br />the quarter Section line a distance of 399.84 feet to <br />the point of beginning; thence continue North along the <br />quarter Section line a distance of 200.0 feet to a point <br />on the South right-of-way line of the South Relief Canal; <br />thence run Southwesterly along said South right-of-way <br />line a distance of 200.0 feet; thence run South and <br />parallel to the aforesaid quarter Section line a dis- <br />tance of 200.0 feet; thence run Northeasterly and <br />parallel to the aforesaid South right-of-way line a <br />distance of 200.0 feet to the point of beginning. All <br />lying in Section 13, Township 33 South, Range 39 East, <br />Indian River County, Florida; <br />is herewith approved and the Chairman and Clerk are authorized and directed <br />to make, execute and deliver that deed on behalf of the County upon receipt of <br />the stated sales price. <br />