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Ir <br />On a Motion made by Commissioner. Loy, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 69-8 <br />FRIMAJ2Y ROADS <br />WHEREAS, the State Road Department of Florida is now pre- <br />paring its budget for construction of the primary road system in <br />the state for the fiscal year 1962-1970. <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />County, Florida, is vitally interested in the improvement of the <br />primary road system in Indian River County, Florida; now, there- <br />fore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Indian River County, Florida, that this Board does herewith respect- <br />fully request the State Road Department of Florida to include in its <br />budget of primary roads for the fiscal year 1969-70 the following <br />projects in Indian River County: <br />1. Widen and 're -construct S.R. 60 to a 4 -lane highway from <br />I-95 to 20th Avenue. <br />2. Widen and re -construct S.R. 60 to a 4 -lane highway from <br />20th Avenuetothe Atlantic Ocean. <br />3. Locate and construct a bridge across the Indian River in <br />or south of the City of Vero Beach. <br />4. Widen and re -construct S.R. 605 (Old Dixie Highway) from <br />S.R. 60 to the South County Line. <br />5. Widen and re -construct AlA Highway to a 4 -lane highway <br />through the City of Vero Beach and re -construct AlA highway to the <br />South County Line. <br />6. Construct Indian River Boulevard (Section 88501-2601) <br />from S.R. 606 (Oslo Road) to Hobart Road, Section 34,,Township 31 - <br />South, Range 39 -East. <br />7. Widen and re -construct S.R. 507 (North Road) from North <br />City limits of Fellsmere to the North County Line. <br />INTERSTATE SYSTEM <br />Complete I-95 through Indian River County and provide inter- <br />change or access at S.R. 606 (Oslo Road). <br />