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RESOLUTION 69-11 <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY C0141MISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA, That the said Board does hereby elect, on behalf of Homer <br />C. Fletcher, County Tax Assessor, a fee basis officer of Indian River County, <br />to exercise the authority provided by Chapter 65-1714, Laws of Florida, 1965, <br />so that the above mentioned fee basis officer may enter into an agreement <br />with Blue Cross -Blue Shield of Florida, under "Policy 11 -PK with extended <br />benefits" carrying monthly premiums of $9.55 for single rate, and $24.29 <br />:or a family rate; with the said fee basis officer contributing $9.55 for each <br />single rate employee contract where the employee has less than five years <br />of continuous service; and $24.29 for each family rate employee contract <br />n=or each employee with five years or more of continuous service; and $24.29 <br />for each family rate employee contract for each supervisory employee, without <br />regard to the length of service; the said contribution to be made as an <br />operating expense of the said tax assessor's office; and the balance of the <br />monthly premium, if any, shall be paid by the individual employee by means <br />of payroll deduction, all as is provided for by Chapter 65-1714, Laws of Florida, <br />1965. <br />