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DNYARTMENT MAINTENANCE: OF FnOJE'CT <br />CONSTNULTt9 VIT11 J1;?ONDAHY IIA3 <br />TA WMUJ <br />M, r!1•A.nlnl rel' Ria nY:FMFtIP <br />THIS AOREEMXXT, nada and entered Into this _2_ day -,r July , 196 9 , by and between the JTATY, ROAD DNFANT*" OF <br />FLORIDA, a component Agency or the State of Florlds, herelnerter called the Dopar Lm.nt, and the COUNTY 0► Indian River <br />, INral ns flet <br />Call- the C... tyI , <br />N T T N Y O n W. T 111 <br />WHEREAS, by Florlde Statutes, 1965, 335.041, the expenditure of secondary road fund* for the Construction and rdr.on.truetion of roads, <br />hlgh.*y* and Munlelpsl connesting links therecf and pity streets us. eutholls.11 and <br />WRFREAS, the County has designated _Section 8601 from SR S-609 to MP 6.57 in vicinity of <br />SR 5(US-1). for construction (or 1—olistrootion) r-im gewltne tat funds seeming to the Dep-Mant TOP <br />eependlturo In the County under the provision& of Florida Statutes, Section 208,44, end Article IA, Section 16, of the Constitution of the State of <br />Florlda( and <br />WHEREAS, work has be.. regwstad by the County to be completed by the Department under the Department's supereislon In 8000M -0e <br />with the specifications of the Dep artmentt and <br />WMEAS, the County desire., after the compl. tlm, of said rCwd, higlmey, munlclp.l connecting link, or city strut, that .014 road. <br />Runlelpq connecting link, or City etrest be retained on the State LocuNL,ry Huud Oystml end be maintained by the Department. <br />NOW, THEREFORE. THIS INDENTURE 41THESSETH: That In consid—aLl— of the pra•Iaws and convenanta hereinafter set forth to be kept and <br />p-Comod by each of the parties hereto, It to hereby mutually bonvenentad and ogr.ed as follows: <br />1. Th. .111 add Section 8601 from SR 9-609 to MP 6.57 in vicinity of <br />SR 5(USS-1) to the state .eeond.ry, —.d .yet.. and .... tract or <br />trt aid project Charging .11 coda <br />or the project to gasoline to funds &coming to the Department for we in INDIAN RIVER o County under the provisions of Florida <br />Statutes, Section 208.44, and Article I% of the Con stitutlon of the State of Florida and the constm eti.. or I ... hot- pilon Or .alit project .111 be In <br />eoapllanee with requirements of the Florida Statutes and tlw Department Regulattoho rolnting to expenditure of secondary gasoline to. funds and <br />construotion of roads on the state aecmdery road &Yate.. <br />2. Said work shall be performed under the Department's -perwtel— In accordance with cM sp-1fi-dons of the D.pertment. <br />3. Upon completion and accepts... by the Dep.rtm-t of veld road, high -2, municipal connecting link, or city etreat, 1t Is understood <br />and agreeu that the Depart w..t .111 retain said road, highway, municipal connecting link or city street on the teem dory system and perform, <br />maloteo once In aCCOM-ce with the usual standards for maintenance of the D.pertoont and under the mope relslon or the Department's State Highway <br />Rlgt nae r. <br />4• The County agrees to the expenditure of all funds necessary for the m.tntenents on a ourrent bests or the aPoremeotfohed projo.s. sold <br />sums to be deducted fro■ the County's Secondary go. tax .camels on a current buts. <br />5. The County agrees is Indemnify, defend, saws and hold hemleas the Department from any and all claims of any nature whs4oever arising <br />out at or b...... of this Agre.esnt. <br />TA WITNESS WHEREOF, the par its. hereto have caused those present* to be executed, the day end year first *bows written. <br />WITNILSSL31 STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA <br />BY1 <br />xecu r.�Ges Cr <br />ATTL'9Tt (SEAL) <br />A. per an cry <br />_ <br />INDIAN RIVER,—) CAM, FLORIDA <br />INDIAN RIVER County <br />s Sun y <br />ATIT.STr (— �t4 /r/x <br />tee f; (SEAL) <br />Clark o1the CircuiFCT• c er,e Board <br />or County Commla.tomrs of 1LDY.��' County, Florida <br />RESOLUTION NO, (,/� <br />MESO'" ON AU01'TIRO L'%EL'U'i ION OY MF]fORANUUM UF AOREEME'NT BETWEEN 4/L l� _ �_–'� <br />STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT, A COMPONENT A9ENCY OV THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND COUNTY OF Indian }'jiver <br />A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLOIOIJA <br />WHEREAS, the State Road Department has .greed to construct that certain road dascrlbed . Section 8601 from SR S-609 <br />to MP 6.57 in vicinity of SR, S(US-1) ,and <br />WHEREAS, INDIAN RIVER County destres that said road be retained on the .tate secondary road system In accordance with the <br />A .anent ado and entered Into hot.... the w INDIAN RIVER Tl AS—rent pa rtsw ret and County, deed the �_ day or , <br />199 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMIS31ONEH5 OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDAI <br />Section 1, That certain Apre.ment detect the 23 day of --ffi11y , to _fig by and between the State Road Department <br />of F„r„e, a Component agency of the state of Florida and the County or INDIAN RIVER be executed by the Charman of this Board and <br />atte.ted-to by the Clerk of the Circuit Court as Ex•offteto Clerk of this Board, <br />.Section 2, That this Agreement be and the memo hereby is an obligation end covenant or the County or INDIAN RIVER to <br />each and every respect and the liabilities therein contained .hall be the liabilities of the County or INDIAN_RIVER on . Continuing <br />best, for the life of said Apreement. <br />Section 3, That the Agreement shall be a pfrt of title Resolution In each and every respect and that s certified copy of this Resolution <br />shat bebmitted to the Stats Road Department of Florida and shell accompany h executed copy of in* Agreement dated this 91 day of <br />July 19 69 ea r <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />COUNTY of INDIAN RIVER <br />I HEREBY CEkTIFY that the rcragoinR is a true and c rte c py of H—lutton peeved by it,, lawrJ or County Co -1 -toner., of INDIAN RIVER <br />County, Florida, at meeting held the day of GC A.D. 19 67, u.d recorJel In th. Camel.,ctcn ml.este&. <br />IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, I hereunto at my hand And effi.te s�' •toy Cr , A,D. 19 <br />(SEAL) <br />ecT'rex-'nb`rftT`nrsATiR'+spedrmrltT4`rnil�iT^.a?fCntti�aF”— <br />�11/L-7ry Ouulr, n,UInVA <br />