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On a Motion made by Commissioner Massey, seconded by Commissioner <br />Loy the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: <br />W RESOLUTION NO. 70-13 <br />ZVThe Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, resolves: <br />® 1. Val Brennan, County Planner,was called on by the <br />Commissioners to plan, prepare and submit in a limited period of <br />time, Indian River County's application for surplus land G.S.A. <br />D -Fla. 675, which land is to be developed for a public park; <br />2. This date the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed <br />and approved the application and commends Val Brennan on the excellent <br />job that he has done in the preparation of the application and publicly <br />recognizes and expresses its sincere thanks and appreciation to him <br />for a job well done; <br />3. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be furnished <br />ito the news media and to Mr. Brennan. <br />