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gaction 08000-2506 <br />J9 <br />COUNTY con4ISSIOM , f -SOLUTION ViDo 70»23 <br />r'- On motion of Ccmnicsioner Loy , seconded by <br />y ; <br />Ccmrrrissioner r►=r.Oy the following resolution wasadopted: <br />. WIEREA.S, the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPAH174ENP OF TRANSPORTATION.has authorized <br />and requested In;lian Rivapounty to furnish the necessary rights of way, borrow <br />pits and easements for that portion of Section 60060, :;tato Load 60, includ- <br />ing Detour in buction 1, Townoliti) 33 South, ltango 36 1:ist, and section <br />6, Townahip 33 South, ltango 37 r;aat. <br />which has been surveyed and located by the STATE OF FRIDA DEPAIiIh4fFP OF <br />LO <br />TRANSPORTATION as shown by a map oil file in the Office of the Cleric of the Circuit <br />Court of said County, and in the office of the said Dep.rrtrrrnt at Tallahassee, and <br />Wifi:lUJ1S, the said Department will not begin constnrction of said portion <br />of said Section in said County Until title to all land necessary for said portion <br />of said Section has been conveyed to or ve:,ted in said State by said County, arra <br />said lands are physically cleared of all occupants, tenants, fences, builc1ws <br />and/or other structures aril irnproverrPnU, upon or encroaching, within the limits <br />of the lisrid required for said portion of said Sectlon; arrci <br />W11I:REW'), the salol Cocvrty ih rtn"lclally unable at thistts � to Pr%nts; <br />the noes:;wry funds to acquire ,aid rlfjit., way <br />,borrow w, o <br />now ttrer•r_for•c, be it <br />H,:", LVED, that the STATE OP 111. It[)A DEPAMM IT OF 'IRA 11POffrtn AT ON be and <br />It is herel)y requ^stcd to p•a,V for tl;e rldit n of way, borrow p <br />for said road, 1nc1cr11rW- the rerrowil of buildtrn;:i, fence;, and other structures <br />and improvements the -enn, and for oth•?r exp-rr,r:, of acquirirl; title to said rights <br />Of wsly, borrrow pit:; anal cascsrprrts by ptrr•ch,x-.e or, condem�.'rtion, rm-n proceeds of <br />:tate of f'loricla [A;p:Ir t rrrr nt of G^ri r -r l rervtces bond- or secondary `asol lne tax <br />flrrxir; (Article X11, :Motion 9(4), (,)C thw� Florld-a Cork,tituticm, and Section <br />335.0111, Florida ,tatute:;, W, ar.+:rroird), writctlever is available, urrier corvlitions <br />rxt forth in the contract, of xhfch this re.n.lutlon form, a port; <br />and be It <br />further <br />RI.;Oi,Vi:D, that; ::aid Count;r, throuEfi its Board of Cormty Crnmissioner-r, <br />comply with the rc:r;u,:st of SIld U^@artrrent and procure, convey or vent in said <br />State th�� fro.,e, clearruui unencumbered title to all landn nece--ary for said <br />portion of said Sectirrrt, and deliver to the STATE OF FLORIDA [E;P� rIN OFes <br />ZtWl:;1'�)1f1'A'rf0:1 said land:, phy, scally clear of all occupants, . s► <br />bus ldirti ;;; rail/or other ntructurc:; arks irrprovenrn, t situate upon or encroaching <br />within the lirnitr, oC the l,vrls required for :°rid portion of said :;ectlon aryl <br />that the Cit:rirrr4ln arr:l the Cleric of the Ii<a-,r.i be omni they are hereby authorized <br />tuxi demoted to execute anti ciellv,r an brtr.alf of said County to said Dep, <br />the <br />the Contract in the Corse h(-Mto attached; anti be it further <br />ffr:;OI Vl'D, that the attorney for thi ;3-' <br />111-1 be, wi he is hereby authorized <br />raid directed t,o proceed to take the rtec,.;;^ary step:; for the County to acquire <br />Ill the mune of raid Corurty by donation, lxrrchase, or coruferrriation .aid r11)rts <br />of w.ay, borrow pit:; and ca nctrprit:-, for, said portion of said Section, and to <br />prepare in the none of :;aid County by It'; ylclon <br />tealonclerrnitonproceedlr4;s <br />piper:;, affidavits and pleadirY^,(P'ecu <br />to Judlgnent; and furnish to the Department the atrstract search provided for in <br />said Contract <br />1A`11% <br />O�)1i110�� .111 I1)1Vi It <br />I 11LRLLiY CLlil'IFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of reso- <br />lution passed by the�'Yard of CoZrnty rm <br />Caissioners oflnc:ian RiVoCounty, Florida, <br />at meeting; held the " day of 'W M. , A. D. 1970 , and recorded in the <br />Cornaissioners minutes. <br />IPLVrI'PN[SS WRERL:OF, I hereto set may hand and official seal this 22 <br />day of uric , A. D. 19 , N <br />(SEAL) <br />cr�1, ,1 I�)AII� 1� <br />PjhOD oF� �; zA�:LRIVR,FLOr1�AF�'-'� <br />