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do <br />• <br />RESOLUTION 71-4 <br />® STATEMENT OF POLICY WITH RESPECT TO CURB <br />NO MEDIAN CUTS ON MAJOR HIGHWAYS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />WHEREAS, past experience shows that whenever new highways are constructed <br />and new building thereafter takes place there also is experienced by the <br />Department of Transportation successive requests for new curb cuts and <br />cuts in the median strip to provide vehicle access to roadside businesses <br />and <br />WHEREAS, these successive cuts have the effect of diminishing the effective- <br />ness of the ability of highway to move traffic efficiently and effectively, <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the County is attempting to create clusters of business rather <br />than strip business and limited access and off-street parking outside of <br />the right-of-way thru zoning and subdivision regulations, <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Indian River County do hereby go on record to request the Florida State <br />Department of Transportation to limit as much as possible the number of <br />median and curb cuts and the width of curb cuts, and to suggest some type <br />of systematic review whereby the views of this County government can be <br />taken into account by the Department of Transportation before issuing curb <br />cut permits and authorizing the construction of median strip cuts on all <br />major highways in Indian River County. <br />is <br />1/15/71 <br />