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BOOK 96 F.�.Jc 398 <br />These particular line items were removed from the budget keeping with the County's policy <br />statement. That is, the County was not going to pay for state expenses which were being passed on <br />the County due to the state not funding their own departments. For the past several years, the <br />County has been reducing its own travel, registration and membership/dues budgets, while leaving <br />the same items generally the same level for state employees. <br />The Judges have explained that the State of Florida pays only travel expenses incurred by Judges and <br />Judicial Assistants for traveling within the circuit and only a few approved judges conferences. They <br />are correct that Florida Statute 34.171 does state "unless the State shall pay such expense, the County <br />shall pay all reasonable salaries of bai"hffs, secretaries and assistants of the Circuit and County Courts <br />and all reasonable expenses of the Office of Circuit and County Court Judges." This catch all law is <br />costing counties tremendous dollars and is the reason the Florida Association of Counties has an <br />Article V task force that is looking at the impact of the cost of state court systems on counties and <br />how they could reduce the growing expense. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff is requesting direction from the Board of County Commissioners on this matter and will <br />implement the Board's decision. <br />TO: Members of the Board <br />of County Commissioners <br />DATE: October 20, 1995 <br />SUBJECT: CIRCUIT AND COUNTY JUDGE'S TRAVEL, <br />ON, MEMBERS /DUES <br />FROM: ;7es E. Chand er <br />County Administrator <br />Today, I met with Judges Vocelle and Smith regarding the travel, tuition and membership/dues <br />funding that was cut from the budget. I related to them that staff recommended the cuts based on <br />our belief that funding for those types of expenses for State employees should be a State responsibility <br />and not the County's. The Judges indicated not funding those expenses could be a violation of <br />Florida Statute 34.171 and, also, that an Attorney General opinion had addressed a similar issue <br />relating to a County Court (attached). Both Judges suggested I seek an opinion from the County <br />Attorney. County Attorney Vitunac advised me that the County could be in violation in that the <br />expenses in his opinion would be considered reasonable. <br />In view of the preceding, it is my recommendation the funding be provided. Budget Director, Joe <br />Baird, concurs. <br />Judge Smith asked that I provide the Board with the attached article from the Florida Bar News <br />regarding Article V. <br />14 <br />October 24, 1995 <br />