1 , 399
<br />Flection d)i.^,trlcl•. No. 1-D Cont. ; GAAL RECORD
<br />corner of the Southwest one-(Iulrter of the aorthcast one-quarter
<br />of Section 25,Township 31 South, Range 30 East; thence run South to
<br />a point100 feet North of the Southwest, corner of the North'onr_-half
<br />• of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section
<br />25, Township 31 South, Range 30 East) thence run East to a point 100
<br />feet North of the Southeast corner of the North one-half of 'Northeast
<br />one-quarter of Southeast onc-quarter of Section 25, Township 31 South,
<br />Range 38 East; thence run North to Southwest corner of North one-half
<br />of Northwest one-quarter of Section 30, Township 31 South, Range 39
<br />East; thence run East to the Southeast corner of North one-half of
<br />the Northwest one-quarter of Section 30, Township 31 South, Range
<br />39 East; thence run South to the Southwest corner of Northeast one-
<br />quarter of Section 30, Township 31 '-uth. Range 39 Eaa;:; thence !
<br />run East to South-.:st corner of Norti.-...at one-quarter of Section 29,
<br />To:•:::•ip 31 South, ;ge 39 East; thence run North to Southwest
<br />corr:or of Northwest onc -quarter of Northwest one-quarter of Section
<br />2), To:r,lship 31 South, Range 3) East; thence run East to the Southeast
<br />corner of the Southwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of
<br />the Northwest one-quarter of Section 29, Township 31 South, Range 39
<br />East; thence run North to the Northeast corner of the Southwest one-
<br />quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of
<br />Section 29, Township 31 South, Range 39 East; thence run South
<br />8)o 28105" East a distance of 1007.671; thence South 000 27' 3)"
<br />East a distance of 662.76'; thence South 850 29' 05" East a 6istance
<br />of 1008.38' to the Southeast corner of the Northeast one-quarter
<br />of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 29„ Township 31 South,Range
<br />39 East; thence run North to the Northeast corner of the Southwest
<br />one-quarter of Section 20, Township 31 South, Range 39 East; thence
<br />run Ilost to the Southeast corner of the t9est one-half of the Northwest
<br />one-quarter of Section 20, Township3l South, Range 39 East; thence
<br />North to the Northeast corner of the West one-half of the Northwest
<br />one-quarter of Section 20, Township 31 South, Range 39 East; thence
<br />run East along the extension of the North line of Section 20 to the
<br />point of beginning.
<br />That the voting place or precinct of said Election District shall be
<br />Sebastian City Hall, Sebastian, Florida.
<br />Election District No. 1-C
<br />Begin at the Northwest corner of Section 19, Township 31 South,
<br />Range 38 East; thence East along the extension of the North line of
<br />said Section 19 to the North South centerline of Section. 23,To%-.-ashi?
<br />31 South, Range 38 East; thence South on the North South centerline
<br />of said Scction 23 and of Section 26, Township 31 South, aanco 38
<br />Fast to the Southwest corner of the North one-half of the Northeast
<br />one-quarter of Section 26; thence run East to the Southeast corner
<br />of the North one-half of the Northeast one-quarter of Section 26;
<br />thence run South to the Southwest corner of the Northwest onc-quarte.
<br />of Section 25, Township 31 Sou Ln, Range 38 East, thence run East to
<br />the Southeast corner of the Southwest one-quarter of the Northeast
<br />one-quarter of Section 25; thence run South to a point 100 fc t North
<br />Of the Southwest corner of the North one-half of the Northeast one-
<br />quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 25; thence run East
<br />to a aoint 100 feet North of the Southeast corner of the North One-
<br />half of Northeast: one-quarter of Southeast one-quarter of 5c�tion
<br />25; thence run North Lo the Southwout corner of the North onc-half,
<br />Of Norill'de.;L. one-quarter of Section 30, Township 31 South,
<br />39 Last; thence run ,:art to the Southeast corner of North One-half
<br />OE the onc-quarter of Section 30; thc:;ce rua South t0
<br />SouthweOL corner of Northeast one-quarter of Section 30; thcnco
<br />run Eant to ::unLhwe:;t corner of Northwest onc-quarter Of SOCl:.en 29,
<br />i'o.+nahi;� 31 :;,,nth, Range 39 East; thence run Ncirth to Soutltw�:.t .orne.
<br />of i:orth•dr:!;e ono -quarter of Northv.cat one-quarter of Sect.on
<br />