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VOWA , 7.1-04 51 ATR OP rLONIOA MEPAIITMRNT Or T"Af19POIITATl0F' <br />7 71 COU14TY COMMIS5tONERS RES01-6-60N ;'Z--26 <br />Ou motion of Commissioner ---- __I'°'--- --------------, seconded by <br />Commissioner the following resolution was adopted: <br />WHERE AS, the STATE OF FLORIDA DFd7ARTMENT OF T'RANSPORTAT'ION has authorized <br />and requested —_— indi.mi—a.ive..r _County to furnish the necessary rights of <br />way, borrow pits and easements for that portion of Section 80501-2601, extending from <br />a roint in Sectio; 0, Township 33 South, r1ange 40 Enst Northerly <br />along Indian River Boulevard to a point in section 34, Township 31 <br />South, Rango 39 East <br />which has been surveyed and located by tile. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF <br />TRANSPORTA'T'ION as shown by a map on file it' the Office of the Clerk of the, Circuit Court of said <br />County, and in the office of the said Dopartncnt at Tallahassee, and <br />\YITEREAS, the said Department will not begin construction of said portion of said Section in <br />said County until title to all land necessary for said portion of said Section has been conveyed to or <br />vested in said State by said County, and said lands are physically cleared of all occupants, tenants, <br />fences, buildings and/or other structures and improvements upon or encroaching within the limits of <br />the land required for said portion of said Section; and <br />Will,' REAS, the said County is financially unable at this time to provide the necessary fluids to <br />acquire said rights of way, borrow pits and casements; now therefore, be it <br />RESOLVED, that the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTDIENT OF TRANSPORTA'T'ION be and it <br />is hereby requested to pay for the rights of way, borrow pits and easements for said road, including <br />the removal of buildings, fences and other structures and improvements thereon, utility relocations <br />and for other expenses of acquiring title to said rights of way, borrow pits and easements by purchase <br />or condemnation, from proceeds of State of Florida Department of General Services bonds or <br />secondary gasoline tax funds (Article XII, Section 9(4), of the Florida Constitution, and Section <br />335.041, Florida Statutes, as arncrided), whichever is available, under conditions set forth in the <br />contract, of which this resolution forms a part; and be it further <br />RESOLVED, that said County, through its Board of County Commissioners, comply with the <br />request of said Department and procure, convey or vest in said State the free, clear and unencumbered <br />title to all lands necessary for said portion of slid Section, and deliver to the STATE OF FLORIDA <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR'T'ATION said lands physically clear of all occupants tenants, fences, <br />buildings and/or other structures and improvements situate upon or encroaching within the limits of <br />the lands required for said portion of said Section and that the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board <br />be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of said County to said <br />Di partment the Contract in the form hereto attached; and be it further <br />RESOLVED, that the attorney for this Board be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to <br />proceed to take the necessary steps for the. Coun(), to acquire in the nione of said County by donation, <br />purchase, or condemnation said rights of wav, harrow pits and aasviiiews for said portion of said <br />Section, and to prepare in the nauue. of said County by its Corunly Commissioners all condemnation <br />papers affidavits and pleading , and proaceutc of conden nation proceedings to judgment; and furnish <br />to the Department the abstract searelu provided for ill Said Contract <br />ST'ATEI OF FLORIDA } <br />COUNTY 01" Zia:;a:d+ta i:IJ1:Ii ) <br />I TIF.REBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true all eorre•el cup. of resolution passed by the <br />Board of County Coll, nissic7ncrs of ___-._—_-_.—____xnc, _fug 1?147s�% _ County, Florida, at <br />martin;, held the day of _____AP?J l T A. D. <br />Ty � J , and recorcicd in the Cnmmissiuucr:; minutes. <br />17 11ITNl?SS Willelile0l . I hcreuoto sett my hand and official seal this <br />day of__r'�_'_1-------- -- , A.D. I9 72 <br />(SEAL) <br />Clerk ��he lit,ard ul t.f7uuty Cwumieaionerx <br />OF C011"'ITY <br />- 15- <br />