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• <br />• <br />21 (Rev. 3-24-72) <br />RESOLUTION No. 72-59 <br />PARCEL NO. <br />SE•,CTION <br />STATE ROAD <br />COMITY OF <br />FAP NO. <br />ON MOTION of Commissioner JASSEY _ , seconded by <br />Commissioner DRITENBAS the following Resolution was <br />adopted. <br />WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has located and proposes to con- <br />struct and improve State Roadq (1-95) Section RRnST in <br />Indian River County, Florida: and <br />V31EREAS, in order for the Department of Transportation to further and <br />complete said project, it is necesse=•y that certain lands now owned by <br />Iadian River County be acquired by the State of Florida for the use and <br />benefit of the Department of Transportation of Florida end <br />WHEREAS, the Denartnent of Transportation having requested said County to <br />execute and deliver to the Department of Transportation a deed or deeds in favor <br />of the State of Florida, conveying all rights, title and interest that said <br />County has in and to said lands required for right of way for said State Road, <br />and said request having been duly considered. <br />N,Ml, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Coirni.ssirners of <br />said County that the Chairrnn and Clerk of s•_id Board be and they are hereby <br />authorized and directed to make, execute and deliver to the Department of <br />Transportation a deers or deeds in favor of the State of Florida conveying all <br />ri,ht, title and interest of srid Connty in nr.rl to said lands owned by said <br />County required for richt of way for said State Road. <br />BE IT FURTHER RECOLVrD that a certified cony of the Resolution be forwarded <br />forthwith to the Department of Transportation at Tallahassee, Florida. <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />COUIITY OF INDIAN RIVER <br />I RFREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution adopted <br />by the Bo -"rd of, County Cnniss.ioncrs of__1TAIJ ATVFR County, Florida, <br />at a moeting' hie d on the 23RD dny ofAli( IIgT A.D. , 19 72 <br />*3" 6-ftlieilo t l oun <br />of_ IN TAN RT_VER__ County . Flnridr. <br />