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40 <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tax Assessor of Indian RivEr <br />County, Florida, be and he hereby is directed to assess and levy all <br />of the foregoing taxes upon the taxable property in Indian River County <br />Florida, just and due taxation within the respective boundaries upon <br />which such taxes are levied and the Tax Collector of Indian River County <br />Florida, be and he is hereby directed to collect said taxes and pay <br />over the same and that a certified copy of this Resolution be furnished <br />to the County Assessor of Taxes and the County Collector of Taxes. <br />ATTEST: <br />CHAIRMAN <br />THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, ON MOTION MADE, SECONDED <br />AND CARRIED, THE BOARD ADJOURNED AT 4:00 O'CLOCK P,M, <br />ATTEST; <br />ERK CHAIRMAN <br />