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® shall specify the deficiency or default. If the Company fails <br />to remedy such deficiency or default- within the time required by <br />® the notice from the Board, the Board may thereafter schedule a <br />hearing concerning the same with reasonable notice thereof to <br />® the Company and after such hearing at which all interested parties <br />shall be heard, the Board may further limit or restrict this fran- <br />chise or may terminate and cancel the same in whole or in part if <br />proper reasons hereby are found by the Board. If the Board enters <br />order pursuant to such hearing and the Company or any other person <br />feels aggrieved by such order, the utility or such other person may <br />seek review of the Board's action by proceedings in the Circuit <br />Court of the County. <br />SECTION 20 <br />No landowner shall be required to hook up or use the <br />sewerage collection and treatment services as provided in this <br />franchise, provided, however, if such landowner requests services <br />and purchases services from the Company, then the provisions of <br />this franchise shall apply to such landowner or the land involved, <br />and the above rights in respect to such landowner shall cease and <br />terminate. This franchise shall not affect, limit or restrict the <br />rights or privileges as set forth and contained in any license <br />issued to any utility heretofore granted by the Board pursuant to <br />Section 125.92, Florida Statutes. <br />SECTION 21 <br />The franchise and rights herein granted shall take ef- <br />fect and be in force from and after the time of the adoption of <br />this resolution by the Board and shall continue in force and effect <br />until such time as the County may install or acquire its own sewerage <br />collection and treatment system and supplies the same at wholesale <br />for resale to individual customers; provided, however, that within <br />sixty days from the time of the adoption of this resolution, the <br />Company shall file with the Board its written acceptance of this <br />franchise and all of its terms and conditions and provide further <br />that if such acceptance is not filed within the time specified, <br />then the provisions of this franchise shall be null and void. <br />c. nnm _r nn <br />If any word, section, clause or part of this resolu- <br />tion is held invalid, such portion shall be deemed a separate and <br />