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ON MOTION BY COMMISSIONER MASSEY, SECONDED BY <br />COMMISSIONER DRITENBAS, COMMISSIONER BOGOSIAN VOTED IN OPPOSITION, <br />THE BOARD ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION. <br />e= RESOLUTION NO. Z3_? __. <br />WHEREAS, the 'Zoning Commission of Indian River County, Flor- <br />ida, did, after public hearing, make its final report recommend- <br />ing changes and additions to the Zoning Resolution of Indian River <br />County, Florida; and, <br />WHEREAS, this Board did.publish its notice of said recommended <br />changes and additions and did, pursuant thereto, hold a public hear- <br />ing in relation thereto at which parties in interest and citizens <br />were heard: Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that the Zoning Resolution of Indian River <br />county, Florida, and the accompanying Zoning Map, be changed as <br />follows: <br />1. That the Zoning :sap be changed in order that the following <br />described property owned by the Estate of James L. Knight, with <br />j Leon Knight, as Executor of the Estate, situated in Indian River <br />County, Florida, to -wit: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of Tract 9, Section 3, <br />Township 33 -South, I:ange 33 -East, Indian River County, <br />Florida; run Pest along the 1/4 section line a distance <br />of 730.10'; thence run South 00041128" West a distance <br />of 86.75' to a point on the South right of way line of the <br />existing 700' right of vray of SR 60. 'Thence continue South <br />00041'28" hest parallel to the hast line of Section 3, a <br />distance of 802' to the Point of. Beginning. Thence run <br />North 88016132" iVest pa�:allcl to the South right of wily <br />line of SR GO a distance of 570' more or lcesS to the East <br />right of way line of I-95. 'Thence run South along said I-95 <br />easterly ric;iit of way line to a point where tl:e South line <br />of: '.er.a.ct. 9, Section 3, Township 33 -South, Range 38 -East <br />cro,;ses said 1--95 casterly right- of tray line. Thence run <br />easterly along Said Soui:.h liru� of: Tract 9 1200' more or <br />leas 1:0 the right of: way line of 90th Avenuo. Thence <br />run along the westerly right of way line of 90":h AVC, nue <br />700' to a point. `Thence run NOX-th (;801.8' 32" Iles" 690' more <br />or 1c+ss to a point which iS on a line with a bearing of North <br />000".1'28" East of the point of heginning. Thence run South <br />00041' 28" Wo!o t 200' n;oi:e or to the Point of Lieginning. <br />Said parcel to contain 1.6 acres. <br />Be changed frori C-1 Conuuercial Distr.ic.t to R-l'i'M Transient <br />Mobile home District. <br />All Within the a eanilig and intern: and zts set forth <ind described <br />in said 7, Reyulat.ion. <br />