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Section 3. Redefine and Record Boundaries., <br />The City Engineer is authorized to prepare a redefinition of the boundary lines of the <br />municipality for inclusion in the City Charter. A copy of such revision is to be filed with the <br />Department of State within thirty (30) days of the adoption, with a copy to the Office of Economic <br />and Demographic Research, as required by section 171.091 Florida Statutes. <br />Section 4. Cosies to State and Country. <br />The City Clerk is directed to file a copy of this annexing ordinance with the Clerk of the <br />Circuit Court of Indian River County, the County Administrator of Indian River County, and the <br />Department of the -State -of Florida -within -seven -(7) -days -after -its -adoption; as'required'by-section <br />171.044 (3) Florida Statutes. <br />Section 5. Ordinance Effective Date. <br />I <br />This ordinance shall become effective upon final adoption by the City Council. <br />This Ordinanc was read for the first time on the L9!1 day of , 2022 and was <br />advertised on the day of- 2022, and one week later on the 'in of <br />2022 as being scheduled for a public hearing to be held on the L_ day of 022, <br />at the conclusion of which hearing it was moved for adoption by C - uncilmember <br />`mG CAi" �^ , seconded by Counciimember��.1 L' �!Z , and adopted by the <br />following vote: <br />Mayor Robert Brackett <br />Mice -Mayor Rey Neville__ <br />Councilmember Honey Minuse _ <br />Councilmember Robert McCabe <br />Councilmember John Cotugno A 1Ci2 <br />ATTEST: CITYACH, FLORIDA <br />lojy�- �1. F-) J) <br />T . B'ursick Robert Brackett <br />City Clerk Mayor <br />Page 2of3 <br />iPlots Exhibit(s) Incorporated by reference <br />4 <br />