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Boa 96 PAA 592 <br />using specifications and funds from a consortium of eleven <br />different agencies which included Indian River County. At this <br />time Indian River County is the only remaining agency using this <br />outdated software technology. <br />There are some deficiencies in the consortium software that have <br />never been eliminated, and the system is basic at best. The <br />software developer is not interested in improving the existing CAD <br />system inasmuch as Indian River County is the only user, and- the <br />County does not have access to the source codes for further <br />software development since the codes are owned by another entity. <br />The current Records Management -System at the Sheriff's Office <br />consists of several applications that the agency has attempted to <br />integrate over the years, primarily CARE (Computer Assisted Report <br />Entry) and Master Name Index. There is no integrated CAD/records <br />system supporting the Fire or EMS providers in the County. <br />The CARE system was also written by the St. Louis County, Missouri, <br />Police Department in the mid -1980's and was acquired by the <br />Sheriff's Office in 1988. That software still uses the antiquated <br />Data General hardware system that is being phased out of use in the <br />Sheriff's Office. CARE is a call-in reporting system replacing the <br />officer's hand written reports, but it provides little in the way <br />of management reporting and no ad-hoc querying or reporting. <br />Since Indian River County is planning to implement a county -wide <br />800 MHz Communications System over the next year which will include <br />upgrading the consoles in the Central Communications Center, staff <br />submits that the services of a qualified, proven, and unbiased <br />consulting firm is appropriate and needed to develop an integrated <br />information management system for the County. <br />ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS: <br />The products and services requested in the RFP will include <br />performing a needs assessment to develop alternative approaches for <br />the design and implementation of a state-of-the-art Computer Aided <br />Dispatching and Records Management System that will appropriately <br />serve all system users. The implementation phase'will include <br />assistance by the contractor in preparing proposals for resources <br />required to implement the system, vendor selection, and supervision <br />of installation and testing of the new system. <br />If the Board approves the release of an RFP for the services noted <br />above, staff will follow the procedures outlined in the Consultant <br />Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA) and return to the Board with the <br />firm selection and funding information for the scope of services to <br />be provided. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends approval of the release and advertisement of the <br />RFP for a Project Consultant/Engineer to provide a Computer Aided <br />Dispatch (CAD)/Records Management System for Indian River County. <br />November 14, 1995 <br />16 <br />