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DocuSign Envelope ID: 5B185859-59434C41-90BF-OCE5E90FDADD <br />(01/2021 Version) <br />7. Discount will always be calculated using this formula (all Claims, including ZBDs): <br />(I- [Ingredient Cost] 1 [AWP Price]) x 100. <br />8. "Gross Cost" is defined as: [Ingredient Cost] + [Dispensing Fee] + [Sales Tax]. <br />9. ESI agrees to apply Client -specific guarantees to all pricing components: <br />Discounts <br />Rebates <br />Admin Fees <br />Dispensing Fees <br />10. During the Term, contract guarantees will not change unless one of the following items occurs which could <br />change the economics of the pricing arrangement and would need to be evaluated: (i) a change in assumption <br />or plan design: (ii) change in law; and/or (iii) change in pricing benchmarks. <br />11. There will be NO dispensing fee applied to Reversed !Rejected Claims. <br />CLAIMS ADJUDICATION <br />12. There will be no price floors for amount paid on any Prescription Drug Claims. <br />REBATES <br />13. Rebate revenue will not have any impact on discount guarantee reporting and/or true up. <br />14. Rebates will be paid for brand Prescription Drug Claims and at a flat minimum dollar -for -dollar guarantee <br />basis <br />15. Contract rebate guarantees are not subject to change as a result of known brand patent expirations. <br />16. The rebate guarantees are not subject to formulary percentage criteria. <br />DATA <br />17. Audit files will be supplied to Client and Client's consultant directly from the source system and should include <br />all Prescription Drug Claims processed including, but not limited to, paid, reversei and denied Prescription <br />Drug Claims. <br />18. ESI will provide the above-mentioned extract at no charge to Client. <br />19. At no charge, ESI must be able to transfer data to Client's other vendor partners (e.g.. medical plan <br />administrator, stop loss vendor, disease management vendor, catastrophic claimant advocate, etc.), with an <br />appropriate non -disclosure agreement in place. <br />20. ESI can provide the fully identified NCPDP expanded format to Client's consultant on a monthly basis at no <br />additional charge for use by both the InfoLock team and the Pharmacy Analytics Team. <br />21. InfoLock Data feeds that are in place will be honored even after termination at no cost to Client or Client's <br />consultant. In other words, if the Agreement is not renewed following the Term, InfoLock must still receive <br />the 4th quarter data even though it will not be available until after termination of this Agreement. <br />NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS CONFIDENTIAL, PROPRIETARY <br />AND CONSTITUTES TRADE SECRETS OF EXPRESS SCRIPTS AND RXBENEFITS <br />57 <br />