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"Set -Up Forms" means any standard Administrator or PBM document or form, which when completed and <br />signed by or Client (electronic communications from Client indicating Client's approval of a Set -Up Form <br />shall satisfy the foregoing), will describe the essential elements adopted by Client for its Prescription Drug <br />Program, including implementation rules, coverage and benefit designs, and clinical and trend programs, as <br />may be amended by Client from time to time. <br />"Single Source Products" means a prescription medication that is: (i) approved by the FDA under a generic <br />drug ANDA application and is licensed and then currently marketed by only one generic drug manufacturers <br />under separate ANDA applications; or (ii) subject to patent litigation. <br />"Specialty Product List" (for those Clients that are non -Exclusive) means the standard list of Specialty <br />Products and their reimbursement rates under the applicable (exclusive or open) option, maintained and <br />updated by ESI from time to time. The Specialty Product List is available to Client upon request. <br />"Specialty Products" means those injectable and non -injectable drugs on the Specialty Product List. <br />Specialty Products typically have one or more of several key characteristics, including frequent dosing <br />adjustments and intensive clinical monitoring to decrease the potential for drug toxicity and increase the <br />probability for beneficial treatment outcomes; intensive patient training and compliance assistance to <br />facilitate therapeutic goals; limited or exclusive product availability and distribution; specialized product <br />handling and/or administration requirements and/or cost in excess of $500 for a 30 day supply. <br />"Subrogation Claim" means subrogation claims submitted by any state or a person or entity acting on behalf <br />of a state under Medicaid or similar United States or state government health care programs, for which Client <br />is deemed to be the primary payor by operation of applicable federal or state laws. <br />"Term" shall mean the time period between the Effective Date and termination of this Agreement, including <br />the Initial Term, as extended by any Renewal Term (as such terms are defined in Article VI.A). <br />"Usual and Customary Price" or "U&C" means the retail price charged by a Participating Pharmacy for the <br />particular drug in a cash transaction on the date the drug is dispensed as reported to ESI by the Participating <br />Pharmacy. <br />ARTICLE lI — ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PROVIDED <br />A. Administrator shall administer the prescription drug benefits provided by the Client's Plan, subject to all of <br />the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as the same may be amended from time to time. <br />B. Administrator shall provide such assistance as may reasonably be necessary to Client's personnel in <br />enrollment of eligible employees and former employees and dependents eligible under the Plan. <br />Administrator shall maintain up-to-date eligibility status records on all enrolled Members as submitted by <br />Client for purposes of appropriate adjudication of Prescription Drug Claims under the Plan. <br />C. Administrator shall issue (or cause to be issued) prescription drug cards to each Member -employee who is <br />enrolled in Client's Plan and who is declared eligible by Client, as evidence of such Member -employee's <br />entitlement to prescription drug card benefits under the Plan. <br />D. Upon reasonable request, Administrator shall provide Client with costs projections and analyses of <br />Prescription Drug Claims and such other statistical data as may reasonably be requested by Client in <br />connection with Client's management, oversight and control of the Plan. <br />E. Administrator shall invoice Client for the Prescription Drug Claims due to be paid and shall collect <br />Prescription Drug Claims due, plus monthly Transaction fees and any other fees payable by Client under <br />Article IV hereof and/or the Client Application. <br />NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS CONFIDENTIAL, PROPRIETARY <br />AND CONSTITUTES TRADE SECRETS OF ESI AND RXBENEFITS <br />5 65 <br />