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A TRUE COPY A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />relating to the power of the parties to enter into the Lease Agreement or the procedures <br />utilized by the parties for leasing the Leased Premises. <br />26. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS: <br />(a) Notwithstanding anything herein contained that may be or appear to be to <br />the contrary, it is expressly understood and agreed that the rights granted to the <br />TENANT under the Lease Agreement are non-exclusive and the LANDLORD herein <br />reserves the right to grant similar privileges to another tenant or tenants on other parts <br />of the Airport. <br />(b) LANDLORD reserves the right to explore, dig, drill and construct water <br />wells of such depth and dimension as may suit its needs on any part of the Leased <br />Premises with the right of ingress, egress and regress for such exploring, digging, <br />drilling and construction and for laying of pipes to transport such water at such depth <br />and for such distance over the Leased Premises as may be deemed necessary by <br />LANDLORD. If LANDLORD exercises this right, TENANT'S rent will be reduced, based <br />solely on the square footage of land and/or commercial space made unavailable for <br />TENANT'S use, at the applicable rates as described in the rent provisions of the Lease <br />Agreement. If LANDLORD exercises this right, LANDLORD shall, to the extent <br />possible, locate such wells in such a manner as not to disturb TENANT'S operations. <br />(c) TENANT assures LANDLORD that it will undertake an affirmative action <br />program as required by 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 152, Subpart E, to ensure <br />that no person shall on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, or sex be <br />excluded from participating in or receiving the services or benefits of any program or <br />activity covered by subpart. TENANT assures LANDLORD that it will require that its <br />covered suborganizations provide assurances to the LANDLORD that they similarly will <br />Page 35 of 38 <br />N:\Client Doca\Airport\Attachment B\2016. February. 16. ATTACHMENT B.docx <br />