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S EC TION 19 <br />If the Owner fails or refuses to promptly and faithfully keep, perform <br />and abide by each and all of the terms and conditions of this franchise, then <br />the Board shall give the Owner written notice of such deficiencies or defaults <br />and a reasonable time within which the Owner shall remedy the same, which <br />notice shall specify the deficiency or default. If the Owner fails to remedy <br />such deficiency or default within the time required by the notice from the <br />Board, the Board may thereafter schedule a hearing concerning the same <br />with reasonable notice thereof to the Owner and after such hearing at which <br />all interested parties shall be heard, the Board may further limit or restrict <br />this franchise or may terminate and cancel the same in whole or in part if <br />proper reasons therefor are found by the Board. If the Board enters order <br />pursuant to such hearing and the Owner or any other person feels aggrieved <br />by such order, the utility or such other person may seek review of the Board's <br />action by proceedings in the Circuit Court of the County. <br />SECTION 20 <br />This franchise shall not affect, limit or restrict the rights or privileges <br />as set forth and contained in any license issued to any utility heretofore <br />granted by the Board pursuant: to Section 125. 42, Florida Statutes. <br />SECTION _21 <br />The franchise and rights herein granted shall take effect and be in force <br />from and after the time of the adoption of this resolution by the Board and <br />shall continue in force and effect until such time as the County, a municipal <br />corporation of the State of Florida, within the territory of this franchise, may <br />install or acquire its own sewerage collection and treatment system and <br />supplies the same to individual customers at which time, Owner will convey <br />all of its facilities (except for sewer treatment plant and plant site) and <br />easements for location of same as Owner may own, free and clear of all <br />liens or mortgages, to said County without charge; provided, however, that <br />within sixty days from the time of the adoption of this resolution, the Owner <br />- 10 - <br />