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except the County, requesting such termination shall pay to the Owner, in <br />advance, its costs of removal and relocation of the removed facilities in order <br />to continue its service as thertofore existing, or the County shall retain an <br />easement not less than ten feet in width for the benefit of the Owner and its <br />facilities. <br />SECTION 11 <br />The Owner shall not as to rates, charges, services, facilities, rules, <br />regulations or in any other respect make or grant any preference or advan- <br />tage to any person nor subject any person to any prejudice or disadvantage, <br />provided that nothing herein shall prohibit the establishment of a graduated <br />scale of charges and classified rate schedule to which any consumer coming <br />within such classification would be entitled. <br />SECTION 12 <br />(a) The Owner shall furnish, supply, install and make available its water <br />and sewer collection and treatment system to any and all persons within the <br />territory making demand therefor, and shall provide such demanding person <br />with its services and facilities within 90 days from the date of such demand; <br />provided, however, that the Board may, upon application of the Owner, extend <br />the time for providing such service to such demanding person. In the event, <br />the Owner fails to provide its services and facilities to any area within the <br />territory within the time provided, then in such event the County may by <br />resolution of the Board limit, restrict and confine the territory to that area <br />then being serviced by the Owner or such greater area as the Board shall <br />determine and thereafter the territory shall be the only area set forth, defined <br />and provided by the Board and the provision of this franchise shall not extend <br />beyond the limits of the area so restricted and defined. <br />(b) The Owner shall not be required to furnish, supply, install and make <br />available its water and sewer collection and treatment system to any person <br />within the territory as hereinafter set forth, unless the same may be done at <br />such a cost to the Owner as shall make the addition proposed, financially and <br />physically feasible. Financially feasible shall mean that with a fair and <br />reasonable rate to be charged by the Owner for all the services under this <br />franchise, to the end, that such rate will produce to the Owner a sum suffi- <br />