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such accounting reports and data with the County when required. <br />SECTION 16 <br />® The Owner shall at all times maintain public liability and property <br />damage insurance in such amounts as shall be required from time to time <br />by the Board in accordance with good business dractices as determined by <br />safe business standards as established by the Board for the protection of the <br />County and the general public and for any liability which may result from any <br />action of the Owner. The County shall be named as an additional insured on <br />all such policies of insurance and a copy of the policy shall be delivered to <br />the County Administrator. If any person serviced by the Owner under this <br />franchise complains• to the Board concerning rates, charges and/or operations <br />of such utility and the Owner after request is made upon it by the Board, <br />fails to satisfy or remedy such complaints or objections or fails to satisfy the <br />Board that said complaint or objection is not proper, the Board may thereupon, <br />after due notice to such utility, schedule a hearing concerning such complaint <br />or objection and the Board may review the rates and charges set and charged <br />by the Owner for the services which it furnishes or the nature and character <br />of the service it furnishes or the quality or services furnished. If the Board <br />enters its order pursuant to such a hearing and the Owner feels it is aggrieved <br />by such order, the Owner may seek review of the Board's action by proceedings <br />in the Circuit Court of the County; otherwise, the Owner shall promptly comply <br />with the order of the Board. <br />SECTION 17 <br />Should the Owner desire to increase any charges heretofore established <br />and approved by the Board, then the Owner shall notify the Board in writing, <br />setting forth a schedule of rates and charges which it proposes. A public <br />hearing shall be held on such request, of which notice shall be given by <br />publication in a newspaper regularly published in said County at least one <br />time not more than one month nor leas than one week preceding such hearing. <br />M9^ <br />