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Page 3. <br />PARCLL NO. 4 ; Dorjinninq at thn tlnrthwost Corn -r. of rove-rnmPnt <br />Lot 5 in said Section 17, rim h:esterly alonry tho Snuth Linn of <br />the Nor.thonst 1/4 of. the Southwont 1/4 of naid Fectinn 1.7 ahout• <br />O 368.52 feet to a point in the Fastorly Right-of-h'av Lino of the <br />r. E. C. I'.R; thence run Northerly aloncr said Ri.ght-of-I",Iv Lino <br />about 040.82 feet to a noint and the rri.ncinal nlace of heclinn- <br />inq; thence run ]-zasterly alonq the "iorth T,i.r,o of <br />O Palms pronerty about 340.00 feet to a noint; thonce rrlr. Souther- <br />ly about 40.00 feet to a point in th^ t'nrthorly Line of Patrici.z <br />Lane; thence run Westerly along said Northerly Tine about 330.00 <br />feet to a point in the Easterly Riqht-of-4T;ty I,i n� of the r. T. r. <br />RR; thence run Northerly alonq said rasterly Line about 70.00 <br />feet to the princinal place of beginning and containing about <br />0.403 acres of land, be the same more or less but subject to <br />all legal highways. <br />Be changed from C-1 Commercial District to R-1Ttt Transient Mo- <br />bile Home District. <br />All within the meaning and intent and as set forth and describ- <br />ed in said 'Zoning Regulation. <br />