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RESOLUTION NO. 74-25 - REQUESTING THAT AMTRAK INITIATE <br />RAIL PASSENGER SERVICE ALONG THE FLORIDA EAST COAST <br />WHEREAS, the United States is presently going through a time <br />when traditional sources of energy are greatly limited for transporta- <br />® tion that relies on the oil industries; and <br />WHEREAS, the economy and continued growth of the State of Florida <br />rely upon visitors from our sister states and their travels about the <br />State of Florida; and <br />WHEREAS, the State of Florida is faced with the possibility of <br />a slowdown in economic prosperity due to limited modes of travel; a <br />result of the energy crisis along the east coast which borders the Atlantic <br />Ocean; and <br />WHEREAS, Amtrak was created by a U. S. Congressional mandate to <br />operate rail services throughout the United States for a profit; and <br />WHEREAS, Amtrak is operated by quasi -governmental and quasi - <br />private interests in conjunction with twenty-one participating railroads <br />throughout the United States; and <br />WHEREAS, both the residents of the Florida east coast and Amtrak, <br />could benefit by establishing routes along Florida's east coast with the <br />Florida East Coast Railway Company, who presently has usable tracks and <br />stations, so that passenger service could be furnished to those who wish <br />to visit Florida, and so that East Coast residents would have an energy <br />saving and economical means of transportation. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, DOES HEREBY <br />1. Support the creation of rail passenger services by Amtrak <br />along the Florida East Coast. <br />2. Request that Amtrak conduct a study to determine the desir- <br />ability and identify the need for rail passenger services along the Florida <br />East Coast. <br />3. Request that all counties, cities, and towns along the Florida <br />east coast cooperate and support this resolution by adopting similar <br />resolutions to encourage the establishment of rail passenger services <br />and submit same to Amtrak, the Governor of the State of Florida, Florida's <br />United States Senators and Representatives from its respective districts, <br />and to the Florida East Coast Railway Company. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be forwarded to <br />Amtrak, Washington, D.C., the Governor of the State of Florida, the <br />United States Senators and Representatives from the Congressional Districts <br />within Indian River County, and to the Florida East Coast Railway Company. <br />DONE, ORDERED AND ADOPTED, in Regular Session, this 10th day <br />of April, A.D., 1974. <br />ATTEST: <br />LPH HARRIS, CLERK <br />y <br />(SEA L)% �f <br />_ X <br />AL�SA LEE LOY, CIIAIRMAN If <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS ONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />