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ORDINANCE 2022- 010 <br />exception of legal nonconforming lots that are at least 75 feet wide and have a <br />minimum lot area of 9,750 square feet. <br />2. The AU accessory dwelling unit shall be clearly incidental to the principal <br />dwelling and shall be developed only in conjunction with or after development <br />of the principal dwelling unit. <br />3. On lots that are less than 200,000 square feet in size, Nnot more than one (1) <br />accessory dwelling unit shall be established in conjunction with a principal <br />dwelling unit. <br />4. No accessory dwelling unit shall be established in conjunction with a <br />multifamily dwelling unit. <br />5. For lots that are one (1) acre in size or less, Tthe heated/cooled gross floor area <br />of the accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed thk4y tiffee fifty 50 <br />percent of the heated/cooled gross floor area of the principal structure or sevel3 <br />hundred fift,. (750) 1,000 gross square feet, whichever is less. For lotsrg eater <br />than one (1) acre in size the heated/cooled gross floor area of the accessory <br />dwelling unit shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the heated/cooled gross <br />floor area of the principal structure or 1,200ogr ss square feet, whichever is <br />less. Existing accessory dwelling units may be enlarged consistent with the <br />above allowances. The AU accessory dwelling unit shall be no smaller than <br />three hundred (300) gross square feet of heated/cooled area. <br />6. No aeeessefy dwelling unit shall have a deer -way entr-emee visible ffem the <br />same st eet as the pr-ineipal pr-paldwelling unit. Lots 200,000 square feet in size or <br />greater may be allowed a second accessory dwelling unit not exceeding 600 <br />square feet in size. <br />7. For lots that are less than 200,000 square feet in size, Ddetached accessory <br />dwelling units shall be located no farther than seventy-five (75) feet in distance <br />from the principal dwelling unit from the closest point of the principal dwelling <br />unit to the closest point of the accessory dwelling unit. For lots 200,000 square <br />feet in size or greater, the maximum distance separation shall be one -hundred <br />fifty (15 0) feet measured in the same manner. <br />8. Excluding converted garage accessory dwelling units, the accessory dwelling <br />unit shall be designed so that the exterior facade material is similar in <br />appearance to the facade of the existing principal structure. <br />9. One (1) off-street parking space shall be provided for dweach accessory <br />dwelling unit in addition to the minimum spaces required for the principal <br />dwelling unit. <br />10. The accessory dwelling unit shall be serviced by centralized water and <br />wastewater, or meet the health department's well and septic tank and drainfield <br />requirements. Modification, expansion or installation of well and/or septic tank <br />Underline: Additions to Ordinance 2 <br />Str+lie -thfough: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />BCommunity Development\Users\MPO\Meetings\BCC\2022\ORDINANCE 2022-_971.41(10)_ADUs.docx <br />