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•e <br />(h) To'matie e9aaaule, scwtiawtadge, and deliver ■ny aro alt documanfs 0 <br />transfer and oo"ryance and ary and aH other instruments trial may be <br />necessary of approprialle, to Carry out the pavers heroin granted, <br />0 To settle, compromise, or submit to arbitration any claims, dents, or <br />damages due or owing to or from the Trust Funds, to Commence or defend <br />suits or kgal or adIrrurolra eve proceedings, and to represent the Tina Funds <br />in sa wfts and legal and administrative pnx*ed rq <br />Q To do a8 aide sets, We am Such proceedings. and exercise to such rights <br />and privileges, afttvy-0 not spot lly mentioned herein, as the Trustee <br />may deem necessary to administer the Tihust Funds and to carry out the <br />purposes of tfrs 'kit. <br />Section 2.3 OlatAb utlons from the Trust Funds: The Employer hereby <br />appolrhm the Trustee As rts agent fir the purpose ofmajung distributions from <br />the ThW Funds in this regard the terms and corodrteons eel Porth in the Plan <br />are to guide and Control the lrustee's Paw <br />Sattlon 3,4 Vstustlon of ThM Ftmda: At Basi orsr_e a year ns of Valuation <br />Dates designated by the Trustee, the Trustee "I determine the value of the <br />Trust Funds, Assets of the Trust Funds "it be valued at their market values <br />M the close of business on t e Valuation Date, or, in the absence of readily <br />ascertainabie markof volues as the Trustee shall determine, in accordance with <br />methods consistently kaflowand and uthilorrmly applied. <br />ARTICLE Ill. FOR PROTECTION OF TRUSTEE <br />Section 3.1 Evidence of Action by Employer, The Trustee may rely Won <br />any cenificate, notice of ditoctiort purporting to have been signed on behatt <br />of the Employer which the Trustee bel eves to have been signed by it duly <br />designated official of the Employer, No communication shall be binding upon <br />any of the Trust Funds or Trustee until they are received by the Trustee. <br />Seebon 3.2 Advice of Cot trosel: The Ivstee may eorntAt with any legal own. <br />sol with respect to the construction of this Agreement, its duties hereunder, <br />or any W. which If proposes to take of omit. and shall not be liable for any <br />action taken or omitad in good fadh pursuant to such advice, <br />Section 3.3 MiuxiGtrheou& The Trustee shall use ord nary care and reason <br />tyle diligence, but shell not be liable for any mistake d judgment or other action <br />taken in good faith. The Trustee shall not be liable for any loss sustained by <br />the Trust Funds by reasons of any irnesirnent made in good tam and in acor• <br />dance wrath the prowstons of ft Agreement. <br />The Trustee's duties and obligations shall be limited to those expressly <br />imposed upon ii by this Agreement. <br />ARTICLE fV. TAXES, EXPENSES AND COMPENSATION OF TRUSTEE <br />Stfctkhn 4.1 'Mees: The Trustee Shall deduct from and charge against the Trust <br />Funds any faxes on the Truss Funds or the income thereof or which the Trus <br />I" is required to pay with respect to the interest of arry person therein. <br />Section 4.2 Expenses: The Trustee "I deduct horn and charge against <br />the lnrst Funds 0 reasonable expenses incurred by the lustee in the admins• <br />boon of the Trust Funds, including counsel, agency, Investment advisory, and <br />oche+ necessary Ines <br />ARTICLE V. SETTLWENT OF ACCOUNTS <br />The Trustee "i keep accurare and detailed accounts of sit irvWmerts, <br />receipts, disbursements, and other transactions hereunder <br />Within nirwty (90) days after the Gose at each fiscal }ear, the Trustee shalt ren <br />dor in duplicate to the Employer an account of as acts and transactions as Trus - <br />Oce herornder If any part of the lvst Fund "I be invested through the medium <br />of any common, cateavo or Commingled Trust Funds, the last annual report <br />of such Trus Funds shall be submitted with and incorporated in the account. <br />if within rlrhsty (90) days alter the rnaihng of the account or sty emended account <br />the Employer than not Tiled with the Trintee notice of any obfed,on to arty act <br />or transaction of the Tretstee, the account or Amended account Shen become <br />an account stated. It any objection has been filed, and it the Employer is sells - <br />tied that it should be withdrawn or t the account is adjusted to the Employer's <br />satisfaction, the Employer shall in writing filed with the Trustee signify approval <br />d the amount and it shall become an account slated <br />When an account becomes an account szled, such account shall be finally <br />valued, and the Trustee shall be completely d,schaiva.', mrd relea:zd. Qz' 41,-, <br />accourd had been settled and allowed by a judgment of decree of a court of <br />Compalent jurisdiction in an action or proceedng in which the Trustee "the <br />Employer were parties <br />The Trustee "I have the right to apply at any time to a court of competent <br />Jurisdiction for the judicial aeftlamerd of its account. <br />ARTICLE VI. RESIGNATION AND REMOVAL OF TRUSTEE <br />Section 6.1 Resignation of Trustee: Tho Truslee may resign M any time <br />by filing with the Employer its written resignation `SQCh res gnation Shall take <br />tifleCt sixty (60) days from the date of such filing and upon appointment of <br />a successor pursuant to Saction 63, wticheet shall first occur. <br />Section 6,2 Removal of 'trust": The Employer may remove the Trustee <br />at any time by delivering to the Trustee a written notice of its removal and an <br />appointment of a successor pursuant to Section 63 Such removal than not <br />take effeei prior to sixty (60) days from such delivery unless the Trustee agrees <br />to an earlier effective date. <br />Section 6.3 Appointment of Successor Triateea: The appointment of a <br />successor to the Trustee shall take effect upon the delivery to the Trustee of <br />(a) an instrument in writing executed by the Employer appointing such suca <br />Cassor, and exonerating such Su cesSor from liability for the acts and omis� <br />cions of its predecessor, and (b) an acceptance in writing, executed by such <br />successor. <br />All of Nye provisions sat forth herein with respect to the Trustee shall relate <br />to each successor with the same force and effect as it Such successor had <br />been originally named as Trustee hereunder <br />It a wccessot is ndt appointed within sixty (60) days after Nye Trustee gives <br />notice of its resignation pursuard to Section 61., the Trustee may apply to any <br />court of competent jurisdiction for appooWnerht of a successes <br />Sec1lon 6,4 Transfer of Funds to Successor: Upon the resignation or <br />removal of the Trustee and appointment of a successor, and atter the final <br />accourd of Nee Trustee has been property sen)ed, the Trustee shall transfer and <br />del,yer arty of the Trust Funds inaolved to such successor <br />ARTICLE VII, DURATION AND REVOCATION OF TRUST AGREEMENT <br />Section 7.1 Duntlon and Revocation: This Trust shall continue for such <br />time as may be necessary to accomplish the purpose tot wfr,ch it was created <br />but may be terminated of revoked at any time by the Employer as it relates <br />to any and/or all related participating Employees Written notice of such termi. <br />nation or revocation shall be given to the Trustee by tris Employer Upon ter- <br />mination or revocation of the Trust, all of the assets thered Shall return to and <br />revert to the Employer Termination of this Trust shall nU, howl er, relieve the <br />Employer of the Employer's continuing obligation to pay deferred compensa <br />tion to Employees in Accordanhce with the terms or the Plan <br />Section 7.2 Amendment: The Employer shall have the right to amend this <br />Agreement in whole and in part W onty wdh the Trustees written consent <br />Arty such amendment shelf become effective upon (a) delivery to the Trustee <br />of a written instrument of amendment, and (b) the andorsemerd by the Trus <br />IN on such instrument 0 its consent thereto <br />ARTICLE Vlll. MISCELLANEOUS <br />S®etfon 8.1 Laws of the Diatrlct of Columbia to Govem: This Agree- <br />ment and the Trust hereby created shall be construed and regulated by the <br />lows d the aslnct d Columbia. <br />Soollon 8.2 Successor Employers: The 'Employer" "It include any per <br />son who succeeds the Employer and who thereby becomes Subject to the <br />obligations of the Employer under the Plan <br />Sectlon 8.3 Witlhdrewale: The Employer may. at any bme, and from time to <br />bma, withdraw a portion of all of Trust Funds created by this Agreement <br />ttrection 6.4 Gen=dkr and Number: The masculine includes the feminine end <br />the Singular ineluoes the plural unless the context requires another meaning <br />