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(b) At the first election of Trustees, three Trustees shall be elected for a term <br />of three years, three Trustees shall be elected for a term of two years and three <br />Trustees shall be elected for a term of one year At each subsequent election, <br />three Trustees shall be elected for a term of three years and until his or her <br />successor is elected and qualified. <br />Seetlon 3.3 Nominatlona: The Trustees who are full-time employees of Public <br />Employers shall serve as the Nominating Comm ree for the Pubic Employee <br />Trustees The Nominating Committee shall choose candidates for Pubic Employee <br />Trustees in accordance with the procedures set forth in the By Laws <br />Section 3.4 Resignation and Removal. <br />(a) Arty Trustee may resign as Trustee (without need lot pnor or subsequent <br />accounting) by an instrument in writing signed by the Trustee and delivered <br />to the other Tiusteas and such resignation shall be effective upon such delivery, <br />or at a later dale according to theierms d the instrument Any of the Trustees <br />may be removed for cause, by a vote of a majority of the Public Employers. <br />(b) Each Public Employee Trustee shall resign his or her position as Trustee <br />within Sixty days of the date on which he or she ceases to be a full-time employee <br />of a Public Employer <br />Section 3.5 Vacancies: The term of once of a Trustee shall terminale and <br />a vacancy shall occur in the event or the death, resignation, (emoval, adludr <br />caled incompelence or other incapacity to perform the duties of the office of <br />a Trustee In the case of a vacancy. the remaining Trustees shall appoint such <br />person as they in their discretion shall see ht (Subject to the limitations Set forth <br />in this Section), to serve for the unexpired portion of the term of the Trustee <br />who has resigned Or otherwise ceased to be a Trustee The appointment Shall <br />be made by a written instrument signed by a majority of the Trustees. The per- <br />son appointed must be the same type of Trustee it e, Public Employee Trus• <br />tee or ICMAIRC Trustee) as the person who has ceased to be a Trustee An <br />appointment of a Trustee may be made in anticipation of a vacancy to occur <br />at a later date by reason of retirement of resignation, provided that such appoint. <br />Ment shall not become effective prior t0 such retirement or resignalion, When. <br />ever a vacancy in the number of Trustees Shall Occur, Until Such vacancy is <br />filled as provided in this Section 3.5, the Trustees in office, regardless of their <br />number, shall have all the powers granted to the Trustees and shall discharge <br />all the duties imposed upon the Trustees by this Declaration A written instru• <br />ment Certifying the existence of such vacancy signed by a majority of the <br />Trustees shall be conclusive evidence of the existence of such vacancy <br />Section 3.6 Trustees Serve in Representative Capacity: By executing <br />this Declaraton, each PuGfic Employer agrees that the Public Employee Trustees <br />elected by Ilia Public Employers are authorized to act as agents and represen• <br />tatives of the Public Employers Collectively, <br />ARTICLE IV. POWERS OF TRUSTEES <br />Section 4,1 General Powers: The Trustees shall have the poker to conduct <br />the business of the Trust and to carry on its operations Such power shall include <br />but shall not be limited to, the power lo: <br />(a) receive the Trust Property from the Public Employers. Public Employer <br />Trustees or other Trustee of any Employer Trust; <br />(b) enter into a contract with an Investment Adviser providing, among other <br />th ngS. for the establishment and operation of the Portfolios, selection of the <br />Guaranteed Investment Contracts in which the Trust Property may be invested, <br />Selection of other irtdeuments for the Trust Property and the payment of reasona- <br />ble fees to the Investment Adviser and to any sub -investment adviser retained <br />by the Investment Adviser; <br />(c) review annually the performance of the Investment Adviser and approve <br />annually the Contract with such Investment Adviser. <br />(d) irivest and reinvest the Trust Property in the Portfolios, the Guaranteed Interest <br />Contracts and in arty other investment recommended by the Investment Adviser. <br />but not including secunues issued by Public Employers, provided that it a Pubic <br />Employer has directed that its monies be invested in specified Portfolios or <br />in a Guaranteed Investment Contract, the Trustees of the Retirement Trust shall <br />invest such monies in accordance with such directions; <br />(e) keep such porion of the Trust Property in cash or cash balances as the <br />Trustees, from time to time. may deem to be in the best interest of the Retire. <br />ment Trust created hereby. without liability for interest thereon, <br />(Q accept and retain for such time as they may deem advisable any securi- <br />ties or other property received or acquired by them as Trustees hereunder, <br />whether or not such securities or other property would normally be purchased <br />as investments hereunder; <br />(g) cause any securities or other property held as pan of the Trust Property <br />to be registered in the name of the Retirement Trust or in the name of a nomi- <br />nee, and to hold any investments in bearer form, but the books and records <br />of the Trustees shall at all Mmes show that all such investments are a part of <br />the Trust Property; <br />(h) make, execute, acknowledge, and deliver any and all documents of trans• <br />for and conveyance and any and all Other instruments that may be necessary <br />or appropriate to carry out the powers herein granted, <br />@ vote upon any stock, bond& or other sscunties, give general or special proxies <br />or powers of attorney with or without poker of substitution, exercise any con• <br />version privileges, subscription rights, or other options, and make any pay- <br />ments incidental thereto, oppose, or consent to, or otherwise participate in, <br />corporate reorganizations or other Changes effecting corporate secunkes, and <br />delegate discretionary powers, and pay any assessments or charges in con- <br />nection therewith: and generally exercise any of the powers of an owner wah <br />respect to stocks, bonds, securities or other property held as part of the Trust <br />Property; <br />Q) enter into contracts or arrangements for goods or services required in cont• <br />nec ion with the operation of the Retirement Trust, including, but not limited <br />10. contracts with Custodian$ and Contracts fOr the provi"n Ot administrative <br />services; <br />(k) borrow or raise money for the purposes of the Retirement Trust in such <br />amount, and upon such terms and condmons, as the Trustees Shall deem advis- <br />able, provided that the aggregate amount of such borrowings shall not exceed <br />30% d the value of the Trust Property No person lending money to the Trustees <br />shall be bound to See the application of the money lent or to inquire into its <br />validity. expediency or propriety of any such borrowing: <br />Q) incur reasonable expenses as required for the operation of the Retirement <br />Trust and deduct such expenses from the Trust Property; <br />(m) pay expenses properly allocable to the Trust Property incurred in connec• <br />tion with the Deferred Compensation Plans Qualified Plans. or the Employer <br />Trusts and deduct such expenses from that porton of the Trust Property to <br />whom such expenses are properly allocable: <br />(n) pay out of the Trust Property all real and personal property taxes. income <br />taxes and other taxes of any and all kinds which, in the Opinion of the Trustees, <br />are property levied, or asse".sed under existing or future laws upon, or in respect <br />of, the Trust Property and allocate arty such taxes to the appropriate accounts, <br />(o) adopt, amend and repeal the By -Laws. provided that such Bylaws are <br />at all times consistent with the terms of this Declaration of Trust, <br />(p) employ persons 10 make available interests in the Retirement Trust to <br />employers eligible to maintain a Deferred Compensation Plan under Section <br />457 or a Qualified Plan under Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code, as <br />amended: <br />(q) issue the Annual Report of the Retirement Trust. and the disclosure docu. <br />mems and other literature used by the Retirement Trust; <br />(r) make loans, including the purchase of debt obligations, provided that all <br />such loans shall bear interest at the Current market rate. <br />(s) contract for, and delegate any powers granted hereunder to. such officers, <br />agents. employees, auditors and attorneys as the Trustees may select, provided <br />that the Trustees may not delegate the powers set forth in paragraphs (b). (c) <br />and (o) of this Section 41 and may not delegate any powers .f such delega• <br />tion would violate their fiduciary dunes; <br />(t) provide for the indemnification of the officers and Trustees of the Retirement <br />Trust and purchase fiduciary insurance: <br />(u) maintain books and records, including separate accounts for each Public <br />Employer, Public Employer Trustee or Employer Trust and such additional sep• <br />arate accounts as are required under, and consistent with, the Deferred Com- <br />pensation <br />om•pensat on or Qualified Plan of each Public Employer, and <br />(v) do all such aCts, take all Such proceedings. and exercise all such rights <br />and privileges, although not specifically mentioned herein, as the Trustees may <br />deem necessary or appropriate to administer the Trust Property and to carry <br />out the purposes of the Retirement Trust. <br />