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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final May 10, 2022 <br />the remainder of the property to the Economic Opportunities Council under a <br />separate agreement of which would not be impacted by the change. He indicated <br />the Civic Club challenged the termination of the lease; however, the Health <br />Department has offered the Civic Club use of the facility for occasional meetings <br />similar to past practice as long as it was not political. County Administrator <br />Brown indicated the DOH facility was provided by the County through an <br />Interlocal Agreement. He confirmed the County would take on the support and <br />maintenance of the Old Douglass School facility. <br />Chairman O'Bryan received confirmation from County DOH Officer Miranda <br />Swanson that the political events including candidate forums, were not currently <br />allowed at the Health Department's current site; the same prohibition would apply <br />to the Dasie Hope location. However, if presented with the situation, Ms. Swanson <br />stated she would certainly consult with the DOH Attorney. <br />Ms. Swanson commented on the DOH expanding their services in Wabasso, their <br />long term partnership with the residents of Wabasso, and the various agencies who <br />would bring their programs and services to the new site. She felt it was a privilege <br />for the DOH to partner with Dasie Hope. In response to Commissioner Flescher, <br />County Administrator Brown confirmed there was funding for replacement of the <br />roof and two new air conditioning units in the amount of $250,000. <br />Chairman O'Bryan asked if there was anyone from the public who wish to speak. <br />Vernon Reason, Board Member for the Progressive Civic League, expressed his <br />concern that the County bypassed notifying the leaders of the community of the <br />DOH's proposal. He pointed out the Civic Club has always maintained authority <br />over the Old Douglass School facility, and he acknowledged Dasie Hope was not <br />the only organization on the lease. He opined the Civic Club should have been <br />notified that the DOH was making a presentation concerning the West Wabasso <br />area as stated in the order established. He requested the Board table the item so the <br />Civic Club could notify the community on the pros and cons of the DOH's <br />proposal. <br />Ardra Rigby, President of the Civic Club, echoed Mr. Reason's statement and <br />referred to the language contained in the lease pointing out that Dasie Hope <br />voluntarily terminated the lease. <br />Ronald Reeves, Parliamentarian of the Civic Club, expressed his concern over the <br />validation of the signature on the lease and that Dasie Hope voluntarily terminated <br />the lease in order to bring in the DOH. <br />Bill Rigby, Vice President of the Civic Club, informed the Board that Dasie Hope <br />was not the initial holder of the lease and that Dasie Hope had sent a letter to the <br />Civic Club requesting to be included on the lease. He stated all the Civic Club <br />wanted was for the County to add their name to the lease because of the concern <br />that eventually the DOH may not allow the Civic Club to meet at the facility. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 9 <br />