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Board of County Commissioners
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ORDER NO. PSC -2022 -0203 -PAA -EQ <br />DOCKET NO. 20220072 -EQ <br />PAGE 24 <br />Attachment A <br />Fourth Revised Sheet No. 9.045 <br />FLORIDA POWERS MGirrcoN*,ANY Cancelsllird I*vised Sheet No. 9.045 <br />(Continued from Shcd No. 9,044) <br />17.6.3 Changes in Enviroarriental and Govermirentai Regulations <br />It new arvirouniontal and other regulatory requirements enacted during the tam of the Contract charge FPL's full avoided c" of the writ on <br />which the Contract Is bused, tither party can elect to have the centrad teoponod. <br />177 Intcrcamecionnbhttling Agreement <br />The QS has executed an interconnection kqement with UP[., or represents or warrants that it has entered into a valid and enforceable <br />Interconnection Agreement with the utility in whose savior area the Facility is located, pursuant to which the Q8 assumes contractual respombility to <br />make any and all tran.wission4clacd arrangements (mcludukg control area servicest betweat the W and the transmitting utility for delivery of the Facility's <br />capacity and energy to FPL. <br />172Technology and Ocricrator Capabilities <br />That for the term ofthis Coultract the Technology and Gencratur Capabilities tabic act forth in Section I is accurate and coanpltw <br />is. General Provisions <br />18.1Project viability <br />To assist FPL in accessing the QS's financial and lochnical viability. the QS shall provide the Information and documents requested in Appendix It <br />or mbamilially similar documents, to the extatt the documents apply to the type of Facility covered by this Contract, and to the extent the documents am <br />available. All documents to be considered by FPL must be submitted at the time this Contract is presented to FPL. Failure to provide the following such <br />documam may rc%ult in a dwarmnalfort of eon -viability by P'Pt- <br />18,21innuits: Site Control <br />The QS hereby agrees to obtain mid maintain Permits which the QS is required to obtain as a prerequisite to engaging in the activities specifed in <br />this Contract. QS diall alsoobtaini and maintain Site Control for the Term of die Contract. <br />18.3project management <br />18,11 If requesled by M, the Q.% Mall slibmil, to FIT its intograted project schedule for FPL's review within sixty calendar days <br />from die caceotition of this Comraa, and a start-up and Icy schedule for the Facility at least sixty calaidar days prior to qan-up and leering of the <br />Facility. 'Tbcsc permitting. cmistruction and operating milestone dates an4acivitics- Ifrequtsiclby FPL, the QS shall <br />suit"it ffogress reports in a for"I A"atistactory W FPL every calendar month until die Capacity Delivery Date and shall notifY FPL of any changes in such <br />schedules within lot calendar days ikflcr inch changes are determined. FPt,,,Jiall have the right to monitor the constniclion. pari: up and testing of the Facility. <br />tither on-gito or off. site. FPL's technical review, and inspections of the Facility and resulting requests, it arty, shall nit be construed as endorsing, the <br />design thereof or as any warranty as to the safety, durability or reliability of0u; Facility. <br />18.3,2 'nic QS shall provide FPL with the final generator capability curves, protective relay types, proposed <br />protective relay wrings, main one -lint diapn mss protective relay thrictional clhigrarns4 and alternating carrait mid direct current elementary diagrams for <br />review and in.4wfion at I'Pt. no later than one hundred eighty calendar days prior to Hit Initial synchronizatiort date. <br />18A Assignment <br />This %,greentart shall inure to the benefit (it and shall be binding upon the Parties and their respectivt successors and assigris, This Agreement <br />shall not be assigned or transferred by tither Party without the prior written consent of the other Party, such consent to be grimed or withhold in such other <br />Party's sale discretion. Any direct or indirect change of control of QS (whaher voluntary or by operation of law) shall be deemed an assignment and shall <br />require die prior written coruxint of VPl'. Norwiih-4midinli the forogoing, tither Piny may, without the consent of the other Party, nitign or tratisla- chis <br />Agrccuuml: (a) in any lender as collateral wairily t2robligatiW18 under any financing documents entered into with such laidor provided, QS shall be <br />responsible for FPL's rtatmablo osts and cxpaisc% ahsociatal with die review. otgothalou, execution and delivery of any c1cicomads or hiftnination pursuant <br />to arch collateral assigoman, including reasonable attorneys' fees (b) to an affiliate of such Party: 1"Wde4 that much affiliate's croditworthincsk, ii equal to <br />or boner than that ot'such Party (anti in tic event loss thmi Investment Qadc) as determined reasonably by the non es ming or non-traoxfurring Party and; <br />provide.4 fardier, Ilial my such affiliate shall agree in writing in tic bound by and to wswrtic the torms anti conditions hercofaind any mid all obligations to the <br />non-agaigning or min-uansfcrrmg Puny art ing or #coming hereunder horn mid after the date of acct( a,%uriptim, 'I"ve-4imad (kadc" M001KIlBo- or above <br />ti om Standard .S. Poot'sOmporation of Batt2 or above from MouWs Investor Services, <br />18.5 Disclaimer <br />In executing this Crmtract. Fill. does not, nor should it be constma to extend its culk or financial support for the benefit of any third parties <br />lending monty to or having other transactions with the QS or any %Wgncv ofthis Contract. <br />(Continued an Sheet No. U46) <br />Issued by: Tiffany Cohen, Senior Director, Regulatory Rates, Cost of Service and System <br />Effective: January 1, 2022 <br />
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