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Last modified
7/26/2022 1:34:44 PM
Creation date
7/26/2022 10:46:59 AM
Meeting Type
BCC Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Packet
Meeting Date
Meeting Body
Board of County Commissioners
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Section 2 — The License Agreement <br />2.01 Duration: The County shall permit the use of the Premises to the Foundation for the term <br />of five (5) years at the rate of one dollar ($1.00) a year. The Agreement shall begin the day <br />approved by the Board of County Commissioners and end five (5) years thereafter with an option <br />to renew once for another five (5) years upon mutual agreement of both parties. If the County and <br />the Foundation agree to extend the Agreement, the Foundation's obligations will be reevaluated <br />by the County and the Foundation. <br />2.02 Contact Persons: The initial contact person for the Foundation shall be the Foundation's <br />President, Calvin Moment, whose address is 8526 105d' Ave, Vero Beach, Florida, 32967 <br />(hereinafter "Foundation's Representative"). The contact person for the County shall be the <br />County's Recreation Program Manager, whose address is the iG Intergenerational Center located <br />at 1590 9`h Street SW, Vero Beach, Florida 32962(hereinafter "Manager"). Parties shall direct all <br />matters arising in connection with the performance of this Agreement to the attention of the <br />Foundation's Representative and the Manager for attempted resolution. The Foundation's <br />Representative and the Manager shall be responsible for overall coordination and oversight <br />relating to the performance of this Agreement. The Foundation and the County will provide <br />updated contact information, if necessary, to the other party on or before the annual anniversary <br />date of this Agreement. <br />Section 3 — The Premises <br />3.01 The Premises: The Premises are located in an area commonly known as the Wilson/Chisholm <br />Football Fields located within the VHSCEC. The Agreement does not include any other areas of <br />VHSCEC with the exception of limited use of Lundy Field as set forth in Section 5. <br />3.02 Foundation's Use of The Premises: The Premises shall be used by the Foundation for the <br />purpose of developing, promoting, and fostering sports talent by organizing local and statewide <br />youth, football competitions as well as cheerleading competitions. This includes the Foundation's <br />Board of Directors meetings, player registration, concession stand activities, football games, and <br />practices. Concession stand activities as used herein shall only include the sale of regularly <br />distributed non-alcoholic beverages and snacks. Any license for the operation of concessions shall <br />be the responsibility of the Foundation. The Foundation may also conduct fundraising activities <br />on the Premises subject to notifying the Manager thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the <br />activity. The Foundation shall obtain any and all necessary licenses, approvals, or permits required <br />for any use of the Premises. No other use is authorized without the written approval of the <br />Manager. <br />3.03 Required Documentation to Use the Premises: The Foundation shall provide the Manager <br />with the following information within five (5) days of signing this Agreement, and no later than <br />May 15th of each subsequent year, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement: <br />a) Names and contact information for the Foundation Board of Directors as well as the name <br />and contact information for the Foundation's Representative pursuant to Section 2.02; <br />2 <br />63 <br />
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