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AGAtEEMENT <br />INDIAN VIVErit COUNTY,11LOMDA <br />WE <br />TRE INLE, 11 <br />Aria 4'1.ew' ASr$,IA1 , LLC <br />xs <br />FORTHE CONSTRI,1MO OF OFF-SITE UTILITIES <br />THIS AGREEMENT by anti between INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of <br />Florida, the addre4s of wbich is 1844) 25th Street, Vern Beach, Florida 32960 (hereinafter the: "COUNTY") <br />and 111E INLET AT SEBASTIAN LLC �, the addrt5a of which is a 25 I IAN k�tYluR <br />DRO— SEQAST 2951 , (hereinafter the DEVELOPER) is uffec:tive upon execution by the <br />accond of the two parties. <br />WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER, in conjunction with the umstruction Improvements at 11MINI" <br />AT S AS I N� -LLis providing water facilities to .5erve the subject property located at 1352$ <br />IN�DAN )ESI_ VE}2 C3MVE, SEDAS`1"%AN1_FL 32t$# _, and Mocespc:cific4lly dewrihed in Exhibit -A"; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 918,05, The Code of Indian River County (Ordinance 90-16, as <br />amended), the COUNTY, requires the DEVELOPER to provide the utility improvements to serve the regional <br />arca, and agrees it) reimburse the DEVELOPER, as provided herein, for the cost cif providing these ot'f•site <br />utilities, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration ol'the mutual promises set firth herein and other good and <br />valuable consideration, the C.OUN`I"Y and DEVELOPER agree as follows; <br />1;_-_ -QFF-SITE UTILITIES, <br />The DEVELOPER shall construct the necessary off-site utilitieadescribed herein as directed by the Indian River County <br />t,liilitits DLpartment. "lite COUNTY shall reintbutse the DEVELOPER for ovemizingol'tlu; left-wite utititius as outlined <br />below: <br />A. WgN.f, Main along, t. S Hwy, 1, Ls ant Road and OldDixie Hwy,, (reimbursementujx)n coll"tion, til' <br />Iineext4epy Utl t'ccK and sand a acity charaes�; _..... _. <br />The DFVFLOPER shall furnish and install a 12 inch water main along US Hwy. I and Roseland Road from <br />the; existing 10" water main on USS Hwy, I and a 12" water main along Old Dixie Hwy. South until tic -in at the <br />existing 12" water gain on Old Dixie highway just north of 129"t Street. <br />RejmLtxrsCMgtis; Following the devclopers payment of capacity charges and line extension fees the C(7UNTY <br />shall reimburse the DEVELOPER based an an itemized invoice of installed materials on a percentage complete <br />basis - less 10% retainage, monthly, with final payment and rcieaw of retainage at the time the ahovc <br />tc6;rcnced facilities are dadit;ah;d to and accepted by the COUNTY, Reimbursements shall he in the form of a <br />check front thr. COUNTY and shad no( exmd the total amount of S 472,714.50 __ (see att&ched <br />Exhibit -13). <br />M I I MN'I,%I*tNMV 1-40MI"IS" '1'14-11 AWI 11111 MI, 0AH)AW <br />