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Proclamation <br />IN RECOGNITION OF MEMORIAL DAY, 2022 <br />-Whereas, in the years following the end of the Civil War, flowers were placed on soldiers' <br />graves as a solemn reminder of the scourge of war and its bitter aftermath of sorrow; and <br />-Whereas, the Congress, in a joint resolution approved May 11, 1950, provided that Memorial <br />Day should be set aside as a day of prayer for permanent peace; and <br />-Whereas, Memorial Day is a cherished tradition, one whose observance helps us appreciate <br />our history, our values, and our responsibilities by reminding us that freedom is not free, and that <br />America is strongest when we set aside personal differences and strive together; and <br />Whereas, on Memorial Day we revere those who came from every part of the country, of every <br />background and belief, and united to answer the call to protect and preserve the ideals of democracy, <br />and now lie in hallowed graves, having sacrificed their lives so that war might end and all people may <br />live in freedom and prosperity; and <br />-Whereas, Memorial Day honors those who put the welfare of their fellow Americans before <br />their own, performed their duties loyally and selflessly without thought of recognition or personal <br />safety, and went further and endured longer to contribute to the greater national effort; and <br />Whereas, the Veterans Council of Indian River County - consisting of 28 veterans <br />organizations representing over 18,000 veterans residing in the county - will host numerous Memorial <br />Day ceremonies on Monday, May 30th, 2022. <br />.Naw, Therefore, be it Proclaimed by the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Indian River County, FCarida, that the Board urges all Indian River County residents to join <br />together and rededicate ourselves to strengthening our Nation's promise, to pray for permanent <br />peace, and to honor our fallen fellow Americans, both known and unknown, who sacrificed their <br />freedom to ensure our own. <br />Adopted this 17th day of May, 2022. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Peter D. O'Bryan, Chairman <br />Joseph H. Earman, Vice Chairman <br />Susan Adams <br />Joseph E. Flescher <br />Laura Moss 2 <br />