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G.1 HOURS TRACKING AND COST REASONABLENESS <br />Witt O'Brien's utilizes a combination of active project management, as detailed in previous sections of <br />this response, and a robust time -keeping entry and approval process through our Workday application. <br />The Project Manager and senior staff allocated to the County will be present and up to speed with the <br />tasks assigned to our staff to support grant application submittal and follow-through at all times. We <br />are also keenly aware of the management costs allocations that can be obtained for supporting various <br />grants to fund our services and what is required to document and support costs for our assistance. Our <br />time -keeping system allows entry down to the 15 -minute increment; the person entering time is <br />required to select their activities from a two-level FEMA eligible list of direct and indirect tasks, and the <br />additional comment box must be populated with the work being conducted for a specific project or <br />group of projects. In the time approval process, we ensure all of the appropriate data is populated for <br />each stage of the grant support and that the deliverables match that work effort accordingly. The steps <br />and processes detailed here will help to ensure hours worked are reasonable and not inflated, and that <br />the County is getting the best value for the support it is funding. <br />22 <br />