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i <br />f� SPECIAL MAGISTRATE APPLICATION <br />,n INDIAN RIVER COUNTY VALUE ADJUSTMENT BOARD <br />MUST MEE'I`QU'/1LII'IC/� I'ION5 Mll'I;INI I) IN <br />QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE <br />1. Educational Background SEE ATTACHED RESUME: dllinois State University, B.S.; University.of <br />Pennsylvania, MSW; Rutaefs Law School -Camden. Juris Doctor <br />2. List any experience and/or specialty for the following property types: <br />PROPERTY TYPE <br />IXPERIENCE/SPECIALTY <br />Zesidential Real .Pro ert <br />CLOSINGS SINCE 2001: <br />Commercial Ileal Piroporty Property <br />CLOSINGS SINCE 2001 -' <br />,Tangible Property <br />BANKRUPTCY SINCE 2001 <br />Other ( leasers ecif) <br />BANKRUPTCY SINCE 2001 <br />3. if you currently or previously have served as a special magistrate, please .provide the municipality or county and <br />dates served. <br />4. Have you ever been dismissed, terminated or denied appointment as a special magistrate for poor or improper <br />performance? Z No ❑ Yes (pleaseexplain) <br />5. List any additional information which makes you qualified to serve as a special magistrate. Also provide name <br />and contact information of at least two individuals who can attest to your years of experience in. ad valorem <br />taxation, tangible personal property or real property appraisals. <br />SEE ATTACHED <br />G. Are you �ie.illing to accept the Value Adjustment Board established schedule of fees? M Yes [] No <br />If no.. please indicate yoursehedule. of -fees to be charged the board on -a one-hour basis. <br />7. Explain yourilevel of knowledge and experience with computers and list the applications you are. familiar with. <br />includinglAxia. <br />ALONG WITH OTHER COUNTIES. <br />L. List each. ;orsanizatiort, recognized by the real estate appraisal industry or the professionals in that field, in <br />which yot are currently or have previously been a designated member: <br />IN <br />A <br />TI <br />2. Of those `orgaiti7_ations describe any possible conflict of interest <br />MEMBER # <br />occur or the appearance ofa eontlict <br />Paae 2 <br />WU13/2015 <br />-14- <br />