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4. The person establishes a new homestead on the property by January 1 of the year they are applying <br />for the transfer. <br />(b) Under Section 193.155(8), F.S., the transfer is only available from a prior homestead for which a <br />person previously received a homestead exemption. For these rules: <br />1. If spouses owned and both permanently resided on a previous homestead, each is considered to have <br />received the homestead exemption, even if only one of them applied for the homestead exemption on <br />the previous homestead. <br />2. For joint tenants with rights of survivorship and for tenants in common, those who qualified for and <br />received thelexemption on a previous homestead are considered to have received the exemption. <br />The Petitioner has not demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that the property at issue in <br />the instant matter is entitled to the relief that the Petitioner is seeking and has not demonstrated by a <br />preponderance of the evidence that the parcel at issue survives the statutory tests of the'following: <br />Florida Statute 193.155. <br />Additionally, a preponderance of the evidence shows that the Petitioner has not shown that the <br />Petitioner has not overcome the requirement of the following documents which must be executed by <br />the ex-spouse: <br />1. DESIGNATION OF OWNERSHIP SHARES OF ABANDONED HOMESTEAD, Form DR-501TS. <br />2. Form DR -501T, Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference. <br />What is persuasive is the following: that the portability of the homestead differential cap, the "save our <br />homes" cap differential allows for the taxpayers to "port" or take with them the homestead exemption <br />assessment differential to their new residence once the taxpayer has sold the old residence or has <br />abandoned the old residence. But a preponderance of the evidence shows that the relevant issue and <br />persuasive issue before this Attorney Special Magistrate in the instant matter is one of abandonment of <br />the prior residence, and what would constitute abandonment of the prior residence to satisfy Florida <br />Statute 193.155 (f) or (g) and would also comport with Florida Department of Revenue Code 12D-8.0065 <br />Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference; "Portability"; Sworn Statement Required; Denials; Late <br />Applications subsection (2) where you may take the homestead differential cap with you to the new <br />home, but you must abandon the old house. Moreover, a preponderance of the evidence is persuasive <br />in the instant denial that the Form DR-501TS, "Designation of Ownership shares of Abandoned <br />Homestead" while is essential to the resolution to the instant petition, was not executed by the parties <br />(the Petitioner and the now ex-spouse) as part of the divorce proceedings as the divorced spouse stayed <br />in the old house and did not complete the ownership form that transferred the assessment differential <br />form in conjunction with the dissolution proceedings, nor has the spouse that remained in the house <br />done the temporary or voluntary abandonment application to allow 50% of the assessment differential <br />to go to the divorced Petitioner. A preponderance of the evidence also shows that the relief that the <br />Petitioner is seeking may be able to be resolved in Escambia County Family Law Court by re -opening the <br />matter to seek the relief that the Petitioner is seeking in this instant matter. <br />-30- <br />