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Last modified
8/29/2022 11:02:49 AM
Creation date
8/26/2022 3:42:15 PM
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acquisition of fee simple title to certain parcels for ROW, road widening, paving & utilities purpos
widen 12th Street from 2 to 5 lanes; extend eastward from 6th Avenue to intersect w IR Blvd
12th Street from 6th Avenue to west of Old Dixie Hwy, to intersect with IR Blvd
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12th STREET <br />PARCEL NO. 140 <br />PARENT DEED - RICHARD a. ZOIC AND ARLYNE A. ZORC <br />The following described parcel of land lying irr Section 12, Township 33 South, <br />Range 39 East, Indian River County, Florida more particularly described as follows, <br />to wit: <br />That portion of the following described parcel as recorded in ORB, 256, Page <br />121, Public Records of Indian River County, Florida: <br />Commence at the Southeast Corner of the West one and one-half acres <br />of the South five acres of the East half of the Southwest quarter of the <br />Northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 33 South, Range 39 East and <br />run West 75 feet to the Point of Beginning.. From the Point of <br />Beginning run__ West 12 feet to a point, thence run North 135 feet to a <br />point, thence run East 12 feet to the Northwest Corner of the Lands <br />conveyed to NANCY R. KNIGHT in O.R. Book 188 at Page 612 of the <br />Indian River County, Florida Public Records, thence run South along the <br />West line of the said NANCY R. KNIGHT lands a distance of 135 feet <br />to the Point of Beginning. <br />That lies within the following described road Right -of -Way: <br />Being a strip of land 80 feet in width lying 43.5 feet North of and 36.5 <br />feet South of a baseline being more particularly described as follows: <br />BEGIN at a railroad spike marking the Southwest corner of the <br />Sout feast i of the Northeast I of said Section 12; thence run <br />N 89 42143" W along the East-West I section line of said Section 12 a <br />distance of 1331.01 feet to a nail in the existing centerline of U.S. 1 <br />(S.R. 5) as shown on Florida R.O.T. Right -of -Way Map Section No. <br />8801-150,206; thence run S 89 25'40" E along the East-West i section <br />line of said Section 12 a distance of 1611.40 feet to a railroad spike in <br />the existing centerline of Old Dixie Highway; thence iun N 8903212411 W <br />along the East-West I section line of said Section 12 a distance of <br />1031.11 feet to a cone. rnon. being the West I corner of said Section 12 <br />and the end of the baseline of said 80 foot wide strip. Said 80 foot wide <br />strip is bounded on the East by the West line of the East I of said <br />Section 12 and bounded on the West by the West line of said Section 12. <br />Containing 522 Sq. Ft., more or less. <br />LEXHIBIT "A" <br />
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