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Of this franchise shall not be unreasonable withheld. Any sale or <br />® transfer, by the Corporation or Shareholders of the Corporation, taking <br />place contrary to the terms and conditions of this paragraph 'shall be <br />considered by the Board to be a default by the Corporation under this <br />franchise agreement and subject this franchise to termination. <br />SECTION XIII <br />Corporation warrants adequate capacity to service existing or <br />anticipated customers and agrees not to provide water and/or sewerage <br />service unless adequate capacity is available at the time any new <br />connection is made. <br />SECTION XIV <br />The rates charged by the Corporation for its service hereunder <br />shall be fair and reasonable and designed to meet all necessary costs <br />of the service, including a fair rate of return on the net valuation <br />of its properties devoted thereto under efficient and economical <br />management. The Corporation agrees that it shall be subject to all <br />authority now or hereafter possessed by the County or any other <br />regulatory body having competent jurisdiction to fix just, reasonable <br />and compensatory rates. When this franchise takes effect, the Corpora- <br />tion shall have authority to charge and collect, but not to exceed <br />the following schedule of rates, which shall remain effective until <br />changed or modified as herein provided, to wit: <br />WATER <br />RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL <br />First 2,000 gallons <br />All other 2,000 gallons <br />SEWER <br />RESIDENTIAL <br />COMMERCIAL <br />1. Apartments, multi -family <br />units, mobile home parks <br />with water meters <br />2. Motels and hotels (restau- <br />rants as part of motel or <br />hotel is billed separately <br />as restaurant) <br />RATE <br />$7.10 per month - minimum <br />$1.50 per 1,000 gallons <br />$7.50 per month per single- <br />family dwelling <br />Minimum 80% of Base Rate Der <br />unit or 900 of total water <br />consumption times $1.50 per <br />1,000 gallons, whichever is <br />greater. <br />Minimum 20% of Base Rate per <br />room or 100. of total water <br />consumption times $1.50 per <br />1,000 gallons, whichever is <br />greater. <br />