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J <br />• <br />6. Communications Approval: If funds. are requested for the purchase of communications <br />equipment, before any final decision can be made on this application, the Department of <br />General Services, DIvision of Communications must first approve the communications re- <br />quest. This approval should be attached to your returned application. <br />7. Resolution: Attach a signed resolution from the Board of County Commissioners certifying <br />that monies from the county EMS award will improve and expand the county's prehospital <br />EMS system and that the funds will not be used to supplant existing county EMS budget alloca- <br />tions. <br />8. Write your county's Federal Tax Identification number: 59-80-0032K <br />9. Certification: I, the undersigned representative of the previously named county, certify that <br />to the best of my knowledge all statements contained in this application and its attachments are <br />true and correct. <br />Date <br />Printed Name: Don C. Scurlock, Jr., Chairman <br />Signature: <br />Date Signed: <br />(Person named in N2, County Official Authorized to Sign Contract) <br />Notary Seal <br />Notary Signature <br />