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Work Order No. 52 <br />43rd Avenue Pedestrian & <br />Bicycle Improvement Project <br />F. Cultural Resource Assessment Survey: <br />These services will be conducted in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic <br />Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, Chapter 267 of the Florida Statutes (F.S.), Chapter 1A-46 <br />(Archaeological and Historical Report Standards and Guidelines), Florida Administrative Code <br />(FAC), the conditions and specifications in the Florida Division of Historical Resources (FDHR) <br />Module 3: Guidelines for Use by Historic Preservation Professionals (2003), and the FDHR June <br />2022 CRAS Sufficiency Checklist. The Principal Investigator will meet the Secretary of the <br />Interior's Professional Qualification Standards (48 FR 44716) for archaeology, history, <br />architecture, architectural history, or historic architecture. <br />Archival Research <br />Background research will include a review and analysis of the Florida Master Site File (FMSF) <br />data to identity previous surveys and previously recorded resources within the project area and <br />vicinity. An analysis of available historic and modern aerial photographs, historic General Land <br />Office (GLO) plat maps and associated surveyors' notes, United States Geological Survey (USGS) <br />7.5 -minute topographical maps, historic soil surveys, and pertinent environmental variables will <br />also be conducted. This analysis will be used to reconstruct past land use and assess the <br />potential for archaeological sites and historic resource within the project areas. Precolumbian <br />period and historic period contexts will also be reviewed and developed to provide a <br />framework within which the archaeological and historical records can be understood. A <br />summary of the project area's archaeological and historic contexts and pertinent environmental <br />features will be prepared from the results of the archival research. This information will inform <br />the survey strategy and provide the context in which the significance of any resources identified <br />during the project can be evaluated. <br />Cultural Resource Assessment Survey <br />The CRAS will include a survey to identify both archaeological sites and historic resources. <br />Based on the proposed improvements, the area of potential effect (APE) will be narrowly <br />defined and only resources directly within the APE will be documented. <br />Archaeological Survey <br />The archaeological survey will include a reconnaissance level survey to document existing <br />conditions and determine where archaeological subsurface testing is feasible. Any area where <br />archaeological subsurface testing is possible will be marked and coordination with the Sunshine <br />811 Call Center will be conducted to locate any underground utilities. Areas where excavation is <br />not possible will be documented with field notes and photographs. Subsurface tests will be .5 m <br />(20 inches) in diameter and dug to a minimum depth, subsurface conditions permitting, of one <br />meter (3.3 feet). All excavated soils will be sifted through 6.4 mm (% inch) metal hardware cloth <br />screen suspended from portable wooden frames. Any cultural materials recovered will be <br />stored in plastic bags with all provenience data recorded. Field notes on each test performed <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />