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Exhibit A <br />Indian River County 8t" Street Parcel <br />Scope of Work <br />August 3, 2022 <br />Background <br />ATKIN5 <br />Canals within the region are regulated by the Indian River Farms Water Control District <br />(IRFWCD). The canal system of the IRFWCD was constructed to drain standing water and <br />"reclaim" what was considered wastelands of Florida. The original constructors considered <br />the canal installations a benefit to commerce and the environmental impact was not <br />considered at that time. Impacts to the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) were primarily from <br />agricultural practices until about 1950 when urbanization increased dramatically, as did the <br />impact of urban development on the IRL. <br />In the mid -1990's, it was determined that the IRFWCD canal system receives and transports <br />nutrients, suspended solids, light -attenuating materials, and excessive freshwater flows that <br />have reduced seagrass coverage and impacted the IRL ecosystem. Based on work by <br />SJRWMD, the recent focus of water quality improvement in the IRL has been directed <br />towards the reduction of "optical parameters" that restrict the light into the water column. <br />Optical parameters of importance include suspended solids, turbidity, and color. Nutrients <br />are considered to be secondary optical parameters because high nutrient levels lead to algal <br />production which causes an increase in turbidity. <br />Scope of Services <br />Indian River County (County) is seeking to improve water quality discharges into the IRL by <br />converting a 40 -acre historical agricultural parcel into a stormwater storage facility. The 8th <br />Street Parcel is located at the southeast corner of 8th Street and 74th Avenue, west of the <br />City of Vero Beach approximately 2,000 feet north of the Egret Marsh Stormwater Treatment <br />Facility along the Lateral C Canal. <br />The County maintains a current stormwater management plan and administers a robust <br />water quality monitoring program throughout the County limits. Specific to this project, the <br />County collects water quality samples in the Lateral C Canal adjacent to the 8th Street <br />parcel. Current water quality sampling results show relatively low values of TN and TP in the <br />canal. This may be due to the water quality improvements generated by the upstream Egret <br />Marsh Stormwater Treatment Facility, which treats a portion of the Lateral C canal flows, or <br />from reduced rainfall and runoff during the limited sampling period, or a combination of both. <br />The design approach will be to extract water from the Lateral C Canal for storage in a <br />proposed pond that will reduce nutrients through natural uptake or potentially filter media. <br />The pond may also be used to decrease pulsed discharges of stormwater into the lagoon <br />during periods of heavy rainfall through active management of water levels in the pond. <br />Extraction of water from the Lateral C will be accomplished using a pump station. <br />I RC_8th_StreetParcel_Scope_ATKI NS.docx <br />