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4D38766 <br />6 , <br />INDIAN RIVER COUWrY. FLORIDA <br />Plater and Sewer Revenue Bonds, <br />Series 1986. Anticipation Noten <br />NcyrF PURi,'ILArF: AGRF.F.7S,7-?iT <br />Oncfv—'Iher 0, 19-87 <br />Iso&rd of County CommianLorin t -s <br />Indian River County, E'loricla <br />1840 25t:h Street <br />Vezo Hench PloridA 32969 <br />f,ariles and Gentleman! <br />R.C. 8dwards 6 Sone. Inc.. aril Rayr,knj .Ia,me <br />Ansoc:tAt.As. Inc. (the "Undervrlt:.!rs") h+±reby orfer ro enter lnto <br />thin Notp Purchase Aelrwement with you. En-11art kly,it• c,.0anty, <br />Florida (the "County"), for the purchase by the rhvIerwriter and <br />^rale by thea County, Of all ( but not l,e an th.+n all) of th,0 6 7, <br />Hater atilt :;ewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1986. anticipation No ee <br />(the "Notes"), which Notes shall be as described in Resolution <br />86-36, Adopt'"d by the County nn Ju o 18. 1986. as amended and <br />aupplomente,l by RonoLtttion 87- l adopted by the County on <br />0"cember 8. 1987 (er)llesCtively, the 'Note Resolution"). and the <br />Official Statement, delivered In respect of the Notes, dated the <br />date of this Note Purchase Agreement (the "Official Statement"). <br />Upon acceptance by the County not later than 5:00 p.m.. New York <br />time, on the elate hereof, this Note Purchase Agreement shall he <br />in full force and effect. anti shall bind the County and the <br />Underwriters In accordanC" with its terms. <br />Tho Noten Are being Insued in an Aggregate principal <br />amount of $9,200.000 in antiCip.jtion of the receipt by the County <br />Of the proceeds from the sale of its $9,200,000 Plater and Sewer <br />Revenue Bonds, Series 1986 (the "Bonds" or "Series 1986 Bonds") <br />to be issued pursuant to Resolution 86-35 adopted by the County <br />on June 18, 1986, as amended and supplemented (the "Bond <br />Resolution") and as an additional series of bonds authorized <br />pursuant to Resolution 82-61. adopted by the County on July 7, <br />1982, as amended and supplemented (the "Original Resolution"). <br />The Note Resolution, the Original Resolution and the <br />Bond Resolution are collectively referred to herein as the <br />"Resolutions." The Notes are limited obligations of the County. <br />with principal payable solely from and secured solely by a prior <br />lien upon and pledge of the proceeds derived from the sale of the <br />Series 1986 Bonds or the sale of other bond anticipation notes <br />ExNij3i l,At, <br />