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10/16/86 UTIL h: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 87-146 <br />FRANCHISE AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />AND <br />._...1�i.QQ_f.I1 •.lEL4F'i'IF.1i1_ t' F't)RATIn�t_ <br />Thiv, Franchise Agreement dated this --atL day of Pvicent,,.r <br />198 by and between INDIAN P.IVF.P. coUNT'Y, a political subdivision of <br />thR State of Florida, 1840 - 25th :rtr?1Elt, Vero B,±ach, Florida 32960, <br />(305) 567-8000, (hereinafter reforrod to a 5 "County") ani <br />14LR.Lav_lu rti_ carffiflt+an irKr. _.-----...______._..-._ (ti=,r•�in<iCter referre3 to as <br />"Utility") <br />W.MIES>ETH: That for and in consideration or thn pre;i rs 3n-1 <br />Other good and valuable considoniti.on, it is hereby. <br />PF_";OE.VE;It by the Board or county or Indian Fiver <br />County, Florida, that: <br />EC T. L%f t <br />=LE <br />Thin Pe niution r.hall h�, known and ,Ray be :it -j 'as the <br />_Gur. , 1r".. SYS`ft9t fRANCNE F. <br />�;r r•1�In;f L I <br />For the purposes of this. Pte-,olution, th! fnlln ln1j term-., <br />phrases, word::, and thpir derivations shall have* the ne-anin-j given <br />herein. <br />A. "Person" is any perc.on, firm, partnership, afaociation, <br />corporation, company, or orcjanization of any kin -i. <br />B. The. word "shall" is always mandatory. <br />C. "Water System/Systems" sha11 mean and include any real <br />estate, attachments, fixtures, impounded cater, water mains, <br />services, valves, meters, plant, wells, pipes, tanks, <br />hydrants, pumps, reservoirs, systems, facility, or other <br />property, real or personal, used or useful or having the <br />-1- <br />