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SECTION XX <br />COUNTY PURCHASE OPTION <br />The County shall have the right to purcLase the Utility's plant <br />at Utility's original construction cost, original land cost, plus <br />costs associated with capital additions and expansions to the plant, <br />less 3-1/2% depreciation per year, and less any contributions in aid <br />of construction. Depreciation on the system shall be calculated to <br />start at the time the County issues an operating permit as provided in <br />Section VI. Upon acquisition of the system and appurtenant real <br />estate, the County would then own the entire system and would <br />terminate this franchise and provide service to the franchise <br />territory. All accumulated escrow fees would vent in the County. <br />In the event of an acquisition by the County, or the use of the <br />County's own plant-,, the County shall recelve the nynterm free or co: -,t <br />and in good repair, ordinary wear and te.1r e:il,-ctrl. The Utility <br />shall pay to the County all enc:roxerl i7pact fettn upon acrliiini.tion or <br />upon c_onnec:tion to County'!; own plants. <br />EST Ic;r..Y'i->. <br />REMAL__Fl.i <br />Iwo and One-half percent (2-1/:t) of the ,Annu,iL np,�r.itLnJ cr-,.t or <br />the Utility 111111by c1€,I.11,'ere.l to the Co i.inty t.o hon in an <br />.interest bearLnJ renewaI and replacn^ent account raC., purposes Of <br />renewal or replacesent of the .aweets of the sy:;t�rm. The <br />Utility nhal.l 1'iind said account LnitLaLLy with $6,000.00. Cnterest <br />shall accuni.;lit.n. in thn account until t.h*i aCCOLnt reaches 21;; or the <br />entimated value or the system's original costs thereafter Lnt�re:t <br />!;hall. be paid to th.: Utility annually by the County. The funds held <br />by the County :;hill be used only rur rR!nevsl or r,04cesent of the <br />rystem by the utility as the need ,arises and aj,proved by the co;tnty. <br />'Phe percentage required to be pL u . l In the r,-newal anal r>:pt.e :• m= nt <br />account may be amended after E -vi -d by the County as necPen:;ary to <br />maintain it surricie+nt account b,ilanc.! taF:Lnq into account the general <br />condition or the r.ystem. Upon the County t.ikin,i ovale the syestem all <br />accumulated Renewal and Replacement e;cr0w fund, Shall ve^;t in the <br />County. The county is granted the rLght to m;ikte nerca;;,,rry repair, - <br />using these fundt: in the, event of default: on th,: part of ttie Utility <br />in maintaining the qualLty ntandards el;tabli!;he(t in this franc:•hinn. <br />If the County purchane:; the eorporatlon's utility system then any <br />funds in the renewal anti replacement account shall vest in the County. <br />-11- <br />