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r <br />existing, or the County shall retain an easement not less than fifteen <br />feet in width for the benefit of the Utility and its facilities. <br />SECTION X <br />SERVIC-Z IF_ TQJIRFLIENTS <br />The Utility shall provide service within the franchise territory <br />on a non-discriminatory basis as if it were regulated under Chanter <br />367 Fla. Stat., except to the extent that said provisions are in <br />conflict with the provisions of this franchise. <br />t_FCTI O_1 _r I. <br />AV_AI.LT1131jJ1Y OF .rERVICE <br />A. Subject to the provision, of. Paragraph ; or this se-:tton, <br />the Utility shall make its ^.ervice available to any an -1 all <br />perc.nnn within the rranchis=.r territory. The roi.rnty m:3 y, <br />"Pori .application of the Utility, e:<t,ind time: for providing <br />r;)tr_h €;slrvi.rfe to Mich dem.anlin-.i p=rson. In thea +went. the <br />Utility falls to provide it. service; ,an -1 facilities to any <br />area within the franr:hi.s;e territory within the time <br />apecifl"d by the County, th•-_,n thO Cr"nt.y m;y by re-;o11.1tton <br />limit, re-tric:t, and c,,nrin:, th.<e territ..)ry to that aru,,a then <br />bein-1 .r;•,rviced by utility or e;"ch cjrwz.ater a; the <br />County r:h.a11 determine. <br />It. Thr, r)tllity shall not be rerll.lir.e,t t,, crake its utility system <br />.)7, to any person within th&a rranchise area unless the <br />r..,me may lin done at au ,h .a cost tFa the ret i t i ty ,as shall make, <br />the .act)lit.lon proposed rin%ncially r., I) L.,. ',Finan,:litly <br />feasible" shall moan that a tall' ,ant reasonable rate or <br />ropturn will be realixQ)i by the Utlltty for all its services <br />u nd •1 r t: h Lot [ r n n: h i r: )ander e f f i c l .• n t. and econom l e: a 1 <br />m:an.a)1.1m�nt. '111.1 hue-J^1n of shoxinry thit prospective servic=1 <br />to tit"! arra i^t not rinaneially re,a;ihl,� shall be on the <br />Utility. s").h proof :shalt be made by the Utility within 30 <br />hays, from recr+.lpt of a written roque -;t by the eo,.rnty. <br />T1111ti,S.F1:1�1'' oWNERSHTp <br />A. The Utility or its shareholder:; _;hall not sell or trans;f:er <br />its plants, systems, or corporate ownership or transfer any <br />rights under this franchise by sale of stock or otherwise to <br />another without the approval of the County. No such sale or <br />-6- <br />