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1988-017 VB
1988-017 VB
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Last modified
9/6/2022 10:22:07 AM
Creation date
9/2/2022 10:32:21 AM
Resolution Number
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Entity Name
City of Vero Beach
the City of Vero Beach is adding a new category to the Electric System Governmental Street Lightin
Street Lighting Rate Schedule
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6 <br />VERO BEACH MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM FOURTH REVISED SHEET NO. 16.0 <br />CANCELLING THIRD REVISED SHEET NO. 16.0 <br />GOVERNMENTAL STREET LIGHTING RATE SCHEDULE <br />RATE SCHEDULE SL -2 <br />AVAILABILITY - Available throughout the service area. <br />APPLICABILITY - For lighting of public ways and areas upon properly <br />executed agreement between County, City or other governmental agencies <br />for ten (10) or more luminaires. <br />TYPE OF INSTALLATION - City owned fixtures normally will be mounted <br />on poles of the City's existing distribution system and served from <br />overhead wires. On request of the customer, the City will provide <br />special poles or underground wires at the charges specified below. <br />Customer -owned systems will be of a standard type and design, permit- <br />ting service and lamp replacement at no abnormal—Cost to the y. <br />SERVICE - Service includes lamp renewals, patrol, energy from dusk <br />each day until dawn the following day, and maintenance of City owned <br />street lighting systems. The City will replace all burned -out lamps <br />and will maintain its facilities during regular daytime working <br />hours as soon as practicable following notification by the customer <br />that such work is necessary. The City shall be permitted to enter <br />the customer's premises at all reasonable times for the purpose <br />of inspecting, maintaining, and installing or removing any or all <br />of its equipment or facilities. The customer shall reimburse the <br />City for the cost of any maintenance work which is required because <br />of vandalism. <br />LIMITATION OF SERVICE - If the City is required by the customer <br />to remove or replace existing luminaires under this schedule, forcing <br />premature retirement, the customer shall be required to pay the <br />City an amount equal to the original installed cost, less any salvage <br />value, depreciated, based on applicable depreciation rates, plus <br />the cost of removal. Lights to be served hereunder shall be at <br />locations that, in the opinion of the City, are easily and economi- <br />cally accessible to the City's equipment and personnel for construction <br />and maintenance. The City, while exercising reasonable diligence <br />at all times to furnish services hereunder, does not guarantee <br />continuous lighting and will not be liable for damages resulting <br />from any interruption, deficiency, or failure of service and reserves <br />the right to interrupt service et any time for necessary repairs <br />to lines and equipment, or for system protection. For Mercury Vapor, <br />no additions or changes in specified lumen output on existing install- <br />ations will be permitted under this Schedu e, except wiere suc <br />additional lights are required to match existing installations. <br />Standby or resale service is not permitted hereunder. <br />ssuea isy: John V. Little Eff ecVe:F1ay <br />icy rianager/director of utilities <br />
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