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n <br />2. That the Public Body shall, upon receipt of equipment and the completion <br />of the installation and acceptance by the parties hereto, assume the sole responsi- <br />bility for the maintenance and continuous operation of said signal installation and <br />the payment for all costs for electricity and electrical charges incurred in connect- <br />ion with the operation thereto. <br />3. The Public Body shall maintain the sign and flashing signal installations <br />in accordance with Department policies and to a level of maintenance that will provide <br />minimum hazard to movement of traffic. In this regard the Public Body shall record <br />maintenance activities relative to said signs and Flashing Signal installations to a <br />"Department of Transportation Traffic Signal Maintenance Log" or an approved equiva- <br />lent log. <br />4. That the equipment shall remain the property of the Department, and it is <br />hereby understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the Public Body may remove <br />any component of the installed equipment for repair but the Public Body shall not, <br />under any condition, permanently remove the main-frame of the control unit without <br />the express written permission of the Department. <br />S. It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the wiring <br />of the cabinets and the timing of the signals will be such that the traffic will be a <br />properly handled at the time of the completion of the installation of the signals. <br />j <br />Necessary modifications in timing or minor circuity nay be made by the Public body j <br />to accommodate the changing needs of traffic but the Department reserves the right <br />to examine the equipment at any time, and alter due consultation with the parties <br />hereto, specify timing and phasing that will pravidle a safe and expaditiocrs traffic <br />flow in the state highway systema. <br />6. The Public Body shall not roclif_y thD eciu.ipa+ent to provide additional phases <br />or intervals without written permisison fro! -,t the Department. <br />7. The Public Body hereby agrees to ind:mnify, defend, save and hold harmloss <br />the Department for all clains, cicm+ands, liabilities and suits of any nature whatso- <br />ever arising out of, because of, or due to the breach of this a,reement by the , <br />Public Body, its agents or e::iployees, or due to any act or occurrence. or ommissi.on <br />or commission of the Public Body, its ^g^nts or employees. It is specifically under- <br />stood and :+;teed that this i.++;l.<rui.ficatiun a,r:;om,,nt ('.oe•s not cov-:,r or indamni'i)' the <br />U'j+a:Lme:nt, or its ay,eilts or employee-, for 16(:; o:+n n<,;lif;:mc:: o: b each of conz.cce't. <br />