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Information Technology Fund <br />The total proposed budget for the Information Technology Fund is $4,197,621, reflecting an increase of <br />$448,192 or 12.0%. <br />Over the past year, the IT Department has made significant changes in the County's cybersecurity <br />posture and improved the County's network infrastructure. These improvements have bolstered the <br />County's ability to defend its network against cyber threats and improved the County's ability to conduct <br />business remotely and electronically. A total of $1.1 M has been allocated from both CARES Act and <br />ARP funding to implement a portion of these improvements. In continuing with those priorities, the <br />proposed FY 2021/22 budget contains professional services to assist with further network infrastructure <br />and security enhancements. <br />The GIS budget contains professional services expenses to develop a custom address point edit tool for <br />the County's GIS mapping software. The new software will enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the <br />County's GIS address point layer which is used to support E911 services and many other County <br />addressing functions. This tool is anticipated to cost $50,000 and will be split 50/50 with the County's <br />911 Surcharge Fund. <br />Prospective View <br />Although COVID-19's impact on County revenues continues to improve, there is still uncertainty <br />regarding longer term impacts. As mentioned previously, costs for many supplies and services are <br />increasing. The impact of these costs is included in the proposed budget, however, it is uncertain what <br />future impacts may be. Staff remains prepared to adjust any budgets mid -year if such need arises. In <br />2020, Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment to increase the minimum wage to $15/hour. <br />The phase-in of this increase begins on October 1, with a minimum wage of $10/hour. This will increase <br />$1 /hour each year until reaching the final $15/hour rate. There has not been a significant impact on the <br />County for FY 2021/22, but this will continue to be a concern as staff plans to meet the continued <br />increases over the coming years. <br />The preceding is intended to provide the Board with a general overview of the most significant changes <br />in the proposed budget. A more detailed explanation will be provided during the workshop sessions. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Jason E. Brown <br />County Administrator <br />OFFICE OF THE COUNTYADHINISTRA TOR <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />180127 1h Street, Vero Beach, Fl. 32960-3388 <br />PHONE: 772-226-1408 <br />18 <br />