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DocuSign Envelope ID: E7A21A4E-5DD5-42C0-8E02-B14A5B34768A <br />STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Form 725-000-01 <br />PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION STRATEGIC <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />GRANT AGREEMENT OCO7/2021 <br />9. Project Cost: <br />The estimated total cost of the Project is $660,879. This amount is based upon Exhibit "B", <br />Schedule of Financial Assistance. The timeline for deliverables and distribution of estimated <br />amounts between deliverables within a grant phase, as outlined in Exhibit "B", Schedule of <br />Financial Assistance, may be modified by mutual written agreement of the Parties and does <br />not require execution of an Amendment to the Public Transportation Grant Agreement. <br />The timeline for deliverables and distribution of estimated amounts between grant phases <br />requires an amendment executed by both Parties in the same form as this Agreement. <br />b. The Department agrees to participate in the Project cost up to the maximum amount of <br />$660,879 and, the Department's participation in the Project shall not exceed 100.00% of the <br />total eligible cost of the Project, and as more fully described in Exhibit "B", Schedule of <br />Financial Assistance. The Agency agrees to bear all expenses in excess of the amount of <br />the Department's participation and any cost overruns or deficits involved. <br />10. Compensation and Payment: <br />a. Eligible Cost. The Department shall reimburse the Agency for allowable costs incurred as <br />described in Exhibit "A", Project Description and Responsibilities, and as set forth in <br />Exhibit "B", Schedule of Financial Assistance. <br />Deliverables. The Agency shall provide quantifiable, measurable, and verifiable units of <br />deliverables. Each deliverable must specify the required minimum level of service to be <br />performed and the criteria for evaluating successful completion. The Project and the <br />quantifiable, measurable, and verifiable units of deliverables are described more fully in <br />Exhibit "A", Project Description and Responsibilities. Modifications to the deliverables in <br />Exhibit "A", Project Description and Responsibilities requires a formal written <br />amendment. <br />c. Invoicing. Invoices shall be submitted no more often than monthly by the Agency in detail <br />sufficient for a proper pre -audit and post -audit, based on the quantifiable, measurable, and <br />verifiable deliverables as established in Exhibit "A", Project Description and <br />Responsibilities. Deliverables and costs incurred must be received and approved by the <br />Department prior to reimbursement. Requests for reimbursement by the Agency shall include <br />an invoice, progress report, and supporting documentation for the deliverables being billed <br />that are acceptable to the Department. The Agency shall use the format for the invoice and <br />progress report that is approved by the Department. <br />d. Supporting Documentation. Supporting documentation must establish that the deliverables <br />were received and accepted in writing by the Agency and must also establish that the required <br />minimum standards or level of service to be performed based on the criteria for evaluating <br />successful completion as specified in Exhibit "A", Project Description and <br />Responsibilities has been met. All costs invoiced shall be supported by properly executed <br />payrolls, time records, invoices, contracts, or vouchers evidencing in proper detail the nature <br />and propriety of charges as described in Exhibit "F", Contract Payment Requirements. <br />e. Travel Expenses. The selected provision below is controlling regarding travel expenses: <br />X Travel expenses are NOT eligible for reimbursement under this Agreement. <br />Travel expenses ARE eligible for reimbursement under this Agreement. Bills for travel <br />expenses specifically authorized in this Agreement shall be submitted on the Department's <br />Contractor Travel Form No. 300-000-06 and will be paid in accordance with Section 112.061, <br />Florida Statutes, and the most current version of the Department's Disbursement Handbook <br />for Employees and Managers. <br />:N <br />Page 3 of 26 <br />